As most of you know the kids and I took a trip to visit Aunt Emily (my sister yesterday).... It was very much to the delight of the children, that once we viewed her house and then went to St Joseph Michigan to silver beach, that they ran straight for the sand and dove right in.
Much to our dismay, it was a RED FLAG DAY soo no swimming allowed the rip current was too bad, that it could endanger people's lives. :0( This did not make Grace very happy. But it was fun none the less....I have a photo album set up on Photobucket.... http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w51/bluemist1977/St%20Joseph%20Michigan%20Aug%207th/ Visit all the wonderful pictures that were taken.
Grace had a hay day taking pictures of various things around emily's house. Not only does she have an eye for object photography but I'm so proud that my sister has done such a FANTASTIC job with her house. She has all the creativity and wonder our wonderful parents have bestowed upon us. I love our genes when it comes to this stuff.
The trip was not at all horrible though...the kids got to play in the sand as you'll see in the pictures... we had a lovely picnic that emily packed for at least 6 - 8 people. LOL She's not used to having a family just yet, so I accept that...but she did great! And we waded the kids out into the waves. Let me tell you...that was extremely exciting for Kevin, he screamed like a little girl, scared at first, but continued to scream and laugh all excited, running from beach to wave, and hanging on for dear life to me and emily's hand when they were big. LOL
You were allowed to wave, but not to go out in it. After a few hours, we decided to get COFFEE...Em and I got kinda sleepy, so we stopped in at a Cafe' and got cookies for the kids and drinks. Syrupy...Iced French Vanilla Cappuccino...but none the less we drank it....It wasn't Starbucks, that's for sure. LOL Then we headed to go shopping, tour a little nesting place for shops near the beach. We found a few interesting things, and a TOY STORE that the kids picked up an item for each.
We went back to the beach after we killed some time, only to find the waves had gotten larger and that NO ONE was even wading in it by this time, so we decided to head home. :0( Not without major argument from Grace in particular, but within 15 minutes they were snoring, so it was okay we quit there.
I do believe we'll be making a trip, the WHOLE family...on Labor Day weekend to spend with Josh and Emily. I think that would be a fantastic idea. And we all can enjoy the beautiful Silver Beach together. It was fun. I loved it...and it was peaceful.
Although...a few added pics...was the hairiest man alive...who thought he was some sexy stuff...and the 4 ...13-15 yr old bimbos on the towels close to us. They set up camp while I wasn't looking, but Kevin seemed to find them. LOL...he always does. Oh geez what am I to do when he actually NOTICES NOTICES them. ARRRGGGHHH!!! As Momma Phillis always tell me, "I don't think you knew what you were getting yourself into." LOL Harsh reality is, I know...I just don't want to recognize it just yet. LOL
I had so much fun having you guys come up. It's great that we have room to invite people up now! Even if we didn't get to swim much, I just enjoyed getting to see the 3 of you. We don't get to see you nearly enough! My two ever so growing niece and nephew are too far away! :( Thanks again for coming and I had a blast. Love you all! PS. I'm stealing your pics. :)