Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I lost my marshmallows....

Well at least I feel this way...but it's the same thing Phillis told me today when she sat down her bowl while making her famous granola/trail mix bars. YUMMY!!!

Does being abnormally tired, and confused when you wake up have anything to do with being sick, being a mom, or just plain wearing yourself out? You choose, but it has me worried. I've started writing stuff down, and now that I have a blog it's become much easier to remember things. All the way down to my short blogs done on LOL Just stupid stuff throughout the day. But when I wake up in the morning, I'm confused, and that's not normal for me, then when I get ready, I just feel like I'm forgetting something, ALWAYS. It's driving me nuts to feel like this.

So Day#2...grace didn't want to discuss school, not in the least bit, she was too busy complaining she was hungry all the way home. LOL This was annoying. So it's 9:17 and she's upstairs sleeping, kevin is having his rest time before "lights out" watching a movie in his bed. And I'm in my bed with the laptop...

Where's Daddy David...he's being a wonderful husband and putting a spare on my truck. Apparently a pair of scissors made their escape from the school and broke a tip off in my tire, because it didn't want me driving on them. In either case, I went outside about 45 minutes ago just to hang out and chill and talk like we normally do and looked over, and went...gee my tire is flat. And wouldn't you know it, I thought to myself when I got home that I have been fortunate not to have a FLAT TIRE because of all the work at Salem and such the like, then WHAM...a few hours later....I HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much to my dismay, I'm keeping my BIG MOUTH SHUT from now on, talk about JINXING myself. ARRGGGGHHH!!!

I'll sneak into Grace's backpack after "lights out" to check out the things she's doing in her planner and review her homework, if there are discrepencies, she'll be up at 5 a.m. working on it...boy will she be SUPRISED!!!! Not doing that hopefully the point I will make, if I find anything that will note her getting up that early. LOL

I got the gift bags packed or prize bags for Tera's bridal shower done. After I had a 15 minute cat nap...I so needed it. David said that I was falling asleep standing up, and he told me to lay down for a bit. So I did. It was well worth it. I feel much better.

Well the gym thing so far for two days has been great, I've made it there by 9 and done a full cardio on Tuesday, and then today, I did both Cardio and Weights... still fat, but what do you expect...I'm in bed with my laptop and some not good. LOLOLOL...

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, the officiant at our wedding lost her nursing position. So she is doing some web stuff, and wants me to do ad copy for her. She is asking me how much I will charge, so collectively she said she'd link people to me for cake business, in favor of doing the ad copy and helping her design her pages and stuff, and getting her out there. *Fingers crossed* This may be the placement I am looking for to make some extra $$$$.


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