Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Driving Ms.Grace

Today was the first day of school. Where does the day start out at, waking the house up at 6:45 to run around like crazy getting everyone ready, so we can head out...David to work...Grace to school...and Kevin and I to no where...or just crazy I haven't decided just yet.

So the schedule for us...GO TO BED WAYYYY EARLIER...Get up WAY EARLIER....and get going. By 8:30 she has to be there, and by 9, Kevin and I have an appointment at the gym for the next several months. Him at the daycare to spend an hour and a half with some other children, and me to get my lazy behind back into some major shape. Maybe lazy isn't a good word...flabby...yeah flabby will work. Blech... :0P

So by 10 we went to Phillis's house. She's so good about letting us invade her space, although she was not even here this a.m. it works out well, to use her house as the go between. My upcoming schedule is going to be insane...I forsee it coming.

August 20th is Grace's first "Study Trip", if they draw my name out of a hat, I will be chaperoning the trip also. It's half day...but the more I stay involved with her classroom experiences and things the more I can stay on top of her. Ms. Grace can be over dramatic at times...so I want to make sure she's doing her best, but they said, expect shortcomings with grades the first nine weeks with the "highly abled" because they are going to push them to their limits. Which I am happy to hear.

We met the teacher and went over basic curriculum last night at 6:30. Grace will start math placement testing tomorrow that lasts one week. Then she will be required to fill out her job application for her job she chooses on Friday for her class economy. Then the following week, she will have to interview for the position. I have to teach Gracie how to dress, and act professionally, and to sell herself for her position. This may be a lot of fun. The best part she gets paid at the end of every week....and she has to pay fines for discrepencies in homework, behaviors, etc... out of that pay. So hopefully this will teach her some valueable skills. They have a big auction in May to purchase big ticket things that are donated for this program.

To add to it all, Class pictures are September 9th...and then they required us to provide snacks for two weeks out of the year for the children. She said that the kids have a 10 minute recess with snack in the afternoons. LOL...10 minutes for recess and eating a snack! Grace will not know what to choose! She'll be lost...eat or play...eat or play....ho hum...I choose play...*I'm crossing my fingers*. So I'm three weeks away from Tera's Bridal Shower.

I keep stressing that I have so much to do, and don't know how to get it all done since I'm in transit, so I've started my lists. Tera would be so proud...I'll have to start marking things off. She likes lists and crossing things off, me on the other hand, I'm used to winging it. I don't think that process is going to be handy with school starting. My brain is frazzled as it is.

I am in the process of menu planning snacks for the shower on Sept 6 th. Along with games which are already planned, another surprise that I'm putting together that Tera "hopefully" still hasn't found out about. Cake design, and Candy created for the event. I finally picked up the last items I need to make the prize bags today, so I can get those made up and stuffed, so in a few weeks, I'll have forgotten what's in them all. LOL

I covered many things that I needed to do, but still need to get done, and covered the guest list with Tera of people who have responded and who have not. I've got my plate very full.

I may get desperate and start fulfilling most of my duties in Momma Phillis's kitchen if I am not time savy. LOLOL

Right now I am letting Kevin nap and I am waiting on 3:10 to roll around so I can head out to retrieve Ms. Grace to report later on what had happened this first miraculous day back. I'll be excited to hear and report that.

Labor Day weekend may look like I'm multi tasking also...Tera's last dress fitting is at 3:30 on the 30th...which we plan to be in south bend anyway, but wanted to take the family to the beach..so somehow I have to work that all out...So em...when you finally read this...let me know what you want to do there. I still have to work things out with David's schedule on whether or not he has to work that day and such. Where's the calendar....when you need it, okay I have it, but I dread looking at it cuz it's running out of room, and that makes me scared...so very scared. LOL

Off I go for now..I'll have to wake up a grumpy boy soon, just to get his sister, so we can go home and start home chores as soon as we walk in the door.... I'll update you all later!


  1. For serious....I have no clue what your "other" thing is. And I haven't been trying to figure it out, either. Which is odd for me, yes, I know. And I'm proud of you for your lists, too. =) I'm going over some of mine right now. The wedding stuffs list and the stuff to get done to the house before the bridal shower and I have people take over my house. =P

  2. I love hearing all this stuff about Grace's new program. It's amazing that her spelling words are so complex already. I also love the idea of interviewing for an 8 year old. She will be a pro by the time she needs to get a real job!

    As far as Labor Day weekend goes, we can just plan to go to the beach Sunday the 31st or Monday. Does David have to work Monday? We can work around the dress fitting on the 30th. Is it at the David's Bridal in SB?


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