Sunday, August 17, 2008

Easy Sunday Morning....

When does it not suprise you that, you sleep and sleep and sleep and David gets up, and I'm still sleeping? NEVER!!! But today it happened. So the kids were playing school and tearing Kevin's room up something fierce. Ya know how I blogged that he was rearranging the furniture? Well the dresser was practically in the middle of the room. Ho hum....I can never win.

So the room was all torn up, Blind was open (For no good reason since it's covered on the inside) The other curtain was all twisted up, and you couldn't walk in the room. Grace had to clean her room yesterday, I can't imagine she wouldn't figure out that I'd be a teeeny bit upset about the tornado that rampaged Kevy's room!

Kevin did really well today, we started using the dry erase top on the desk that Grace handed down to him, and he wrote his first A's today. LEFT handed!!!! This makes me nervous, but he's most comfortable being Lefty...for we'll see.
He did an awesome job. If he starts with a dot, then he has a starting point and he did a GREAT JOB!!!! Then I drew him an Apple and told him it starts with A. His first lesson. He really digs the dry erase top on his desk. Unfortunate I can't take it everywhere with me though. :0( I guess I may have to get a travel size something for this.

We picked a ton of apples this evening after I napped again, I managed to make 60 little chocolate high heels for Tera's bridal shower. They still have to be decorated but I'll get that done tomorrow hopefully.

I am attempting the gym tomorrow, although I've been told that I need to SLOW down by just about everyone, and if I have an episode I will PROMISE to drive to the doctor to be checked out.

Other than that, the rest of the evening went fine, Kevy didn't have a nap so it took him a few minutes of whimpering (because of the night light not being there) and he was out like the nightlight. LOL

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