Well it's complete. Tera's bridal shower was on Saturday, and it went off without much of a snafu. :0) I spent the past few months coordinating all this stuff in a notebook, writing things down and just going to town with ideas. The cake was the hardest. Actually Grace was the bright one for the idea...and David. And from there we had two bridal shower cakes! LOL I was very happy how it all turned out. The shower didn't have a theme per say...other than it was ALL ABOUT TERA...everything from the foods that she loves, italian, mexican, and the hick little mini pigs in a blanket she asked for. ha ha ha
We had meatballs, bruschetta which all raved about how wonderful it was, although I was worried because Mr. Myles was eating a bunch of the french bread before I put the bruschetta on them to toast in the oven with some mozerella. Then we had fruit salsa, with cinnamon chips, Taco Dip with different crackers and Tortilla Chips and Doritos...LOL If it wasn't for her wonderful Dad making a trip to Meijers to pick up last minute supplies, I wouldn't have had crackers or Doritos. LOL Then there was the mini pigs in a blanket with some melted cheese, that I was displeased solidified instead of staying liquid after it cooled down. :0( But maybe I'm just too picky. We had some sparkling punch for the kids. and homemade Sangria for the adults. It was a great time.
The games were fun, and I made sure everyone walked away with a gift or two with momentos of Tera. I had made mini white chocolate high heels to stuff in miniature boxes of wedge heels and purses. The gifts were mini wooden elephants, glass calla lilly coasters, mini ariel keychains, and lockets, ice cream cone bubbles, and ice cream sundae candles, love note post it cubes, elephant blank cards, pens with high heels, lipstick bubble batch gel, high heel bubble bath gel, stickers with lipsticks, sports cars, and many other items.
The greatest part was the toilet paper bride, Grace's team won the "adult category" which was awesome, and if you want to see Tera's response...her blog is at this URL http://editortera.blogspot.com/2008/09/my-bridal-shower.html
Tony (Tera's father) and Darsha (her mother) were ever so greatful and a huge help in assisting the setup, along with David, to give me a helping hand where needed. I couldn't tell you how many times people told me I did a great job, but I can't count on both hands how much Darsha and Tony both told me they were so please their daughter has someone as a friend who loves her as much as they do and they were greatful at the thought I put into all of it.
It's my nature, just as it is David's, that if you are our friend, we love you and give you our 100% no matter what. That's who we are, and I wouldn't change it. I brought Tera to tears a few times. I was so happy with how the recipe scrapbook turned out, and my sister Emily put in the best ADVICE ever since she is a "new wife" herself! Tony, Darsha, David, Myles, Tera and I, got a really good laugh out of that one, but it was sooooo TRUE! If you cook something, and Myles says "it's okay" just hold your head high, and you can try again tomorrow! Or something like that. LOLOLOLOL Awesome stuff. Myles' family contributed a bunch, and so did Tera's Grandma Wegernowski (not sure if I got spelling right) LOL She almost doesn't have enough pages left to add some things that she wants to.
I feel like I could have done more, but all in all I was pleased with the outcome. There was one game that was "test your memory--What's in Tera's gift bag..." She went through it, and at the end of the party, we were supposed to have our quiz...um...well guess what, my memory was tested because I forgot!!!! But when I was upstairs chilling so that Tera could socialize with people getting ready to leave, I heard Great Grandma Zelma say "what about Tera's bag?" then I remembered. LOLOLOL...oh well. It was how I wanted it...to honor Tera, for one of the biggest changes in her life. She need not forget who she is or the things she likes, she just needs to remember to blossom with change. :0)
AS for this week, I'm looking forward to a short slow down! Just a few days anyway, Grace's school pictures are Tuesday. Monday evening, if I can find childcare arrangements I have a three hour "class" to attend with Tera. She doesn't know what it is yet, but boy oh boy will she be THRILLED to find out. ;0)
I'm signing off for now...but I have to fill you in on the Teacher phone call I received on Friday....I'll do that in the a.m....
Love you all!
that looks so fun.. make me wish i'd had a shower! wher did you find those cakes??
ReplyDeleteI love the cakes you made for TERA. I am so happy that she had a great shower. The extremes that we go to when it comes to our friends. I catered Lisa and Chuck's household shower when they got the new house. I went overboard, but loved every minute of it.