Sunday, September 21, 2008


So as many have been anxiously awaiting my next blog....I have determined, I love doing this way too much. But it gives me reason and a place to vent, so it is all good.

The news is, as most of you know the bathroom remodel is underway...and under time constraints. It's Sunday evening and deconstruction is done, and Myles and my wonderful husband (who has been battling a headache for two days straight (figuratively and literally)) are now finally trying to install the tub, we have not started the vinyl installation or the drywall as of yet. But they want to be able to turn on the water to the toilet and tub tonight for the kids sake. Wish us luck. Because this is all too frustrating.

We managed to convince Denise to bring Kevin up and drop him off. It's the second ever trip she has made here to drop him off!!! Surprise Surprise. But we have valid reason for her travel, as does when squared drops Grace off tonight.

Grace managed to tick off Grandma Dianna and Grandpa Lee, and her father with her cell this weekend. I let him know she was going to have it, but he called to inform me that she is holding it over everyone's head again, that if they say or do the wrong thing she will be calling her mother. LOLOL..This makes me curious, what are they saying and doing that is SOOOO bad that she has to call me. And why are they making her upset? She should be enjoying her time there. Or is she up to her old antics of playing others against one another? Who knows. This is just something that I wish I could get a straight story out of one of them. But as it goes, I knew when the divorce happened, that he was messed up and so was his family and I knew it when I had her, that her life and me raising her wasn't going to be an easy one. I made my bed, I will lie in it, with my eyes closed, hoping that no one covers me with dirt in the process. LOLOLOL

I feel absolutely horrible about the party, I miserably failed when it came to my mother in law, in fact I've miserably failed a lot of people. Grandparents day came and went without special visits to the grandparents, the party to be held in honor of us, we had to cancel last night at the last minute because, well the bathroom remodel is not even halfway what we wanted to get done. I feel like a heel because Phillis went through all the trouble. I just don't know how I am going to manage to make it up to her. :0( I'm sorry Mom #2...I really am. David said we couldn't help it but I can't help but sulk, and the crow's have landed on my lip today because I've pouted so much. But I did get to take some of my anger and frustration out on myslef by doing demolition in the bathroom, so that was a nice change :0) A crowbar and a lot of plaster shattering, makes for a pleasant time and a lot of stinky sweat...

Yeah sweat...and there's no one wants to be within the vicinity of David, Myles, and I, the people at Menard's stayed at least a two foot distance from me when helping me this afternoon...probably of me emitting testosterone odors and sweatiness like Linus the little boy with the blanket and the dirt cloud that follows that Linus, from charlie brown? I don't know but you get the picture. LOLOL

I had a great time yesterday with Nikki, I made my annual trip to Zionsville, I did manage to get a little something for Mom#2 that I hope she likes. :0) I felt bad that I scheduled it and then the mayhem started and I still went, but again David told me there was not much I could have done yesterday to begin with. :0( And if you ever get the chance to go to Zionsville, make sure that once the town closes down at five, that you have reservations at the italian I've eaten in oh FOREVER....puts papa vino's to shame!

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