Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Naptime....

So I'm at Tera's house, and it's nap time for Kevin, we'll be leaving in an hour to head out and go to get grace, pick up some munchies! Yahoo! I'm stoked about that. It's been a long time that Tera and I had some "girlie time". Now going to South Bend a few weekends ago was wedding stuffs, and it seems that all of it revolves around that, but this is some time for us to enjoy just being stupid, like ourselves.

We are going to be doing a dance class tonight. To see if this ol' timer can learn that "booty roll" thing. LOLOLOL...It'll be funny to see all of my rolls roll. LOLOL But it sounds like great fun. I'm looking forward to it.

As for the phone call from the teacher, Grace put a guilt trip on her. Last week Grace's face started to peel because of the sun burn from labor day...instead of sucking it up and going in there like a pro..she walks in with her hair in her face. Yeah drawing attention to herself is not socially exceptable. As Mrs. Harshbarger (her teacher explained) it's normal for these things to happen and it is not normal for you to draw attention to it, it would not be a big deal if people asked, less mystery and curiousity. So then she convinced the teacher that she had called her NOT NORMAL...and so she had to call me.

I told Mrs. Harshbarger this is just Grace , and she said she has dealt with MANY eccentric children and they teach them social acceptance and what is socially acceptable behaviors throughout the year. So lets keep our fingers crossed! LOL The best part, I told her to grab a cup of coffee and visit Mrs. Walsh, the teacher from last year, she will have some stories to tell.

But all in all, Grace told her teacher I was on my deathbed a few weeks ago when I got sick, and took myself to the ER, so I had to clarify a few things there. Let's just pray she gets past this drama! LOLOL I love my crazy 8 yr old.

As for me, I'm going to plop on the couch and chill, I can't wait to leave already! I'm looking forward to tonight!

Oh..after thought. Yet no more comments from the "neighbors" wanting our house, but there was positive head shaking when they were leaving this last time. So one final inspection from the "investor" and we should be making contracts, hopefully we get that call!

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