Tuesday, September 16, 2008

..Lost without the avenger....

My little man..."the avenger" is with Grandma today. He's having withdrawals I suppose. We practically have not seen her much since the start of school. :0( He refused to go with me today, and wanted to stay with Grandma Phillis. But it's okay. I had lots to do. I was pricing out the bathroom remodel project we know have to do.

It seems funny how this all works out...the "buyers" never called us back. They were notified of the water leak in the bathroom, in fact David pointed it out. But low and behold the leak is worse, and we have to tear into it, no matter what this weekend. So I went to Lowe's, Menards, and Home Depot to get prices on things we need for the bathroom project. And now, ho hum..it's off to graph it out.

I'm bummed that once again it's a set back and we'll pull the sign down and not start looking until spring to try and move again, but what do you do? It's still cheaper to live where we are for the time being, and we enjoy it out here, although it's hard to get many to visit since we are so far away. Sad but true.

I'm stoked about the upcoming events though...This means once again, we get to do something cool to make the house look nicer. And in the process remodel some other areas and maybe finish my front porch / office area I spend so much time in. And the KITCHEN, yeah rock the kitchen idea! LOL

Friday we have Samantha's birthday party, and an old friend who may come up for a visit, who is not well, her heart is giving way at such a young age, but she is a fire fighter by trade, and I respect and love her enough, to say we need to see you, before she says goodbye to this world. It's been 5-6 yrs since I seen her last. Saturday, we are visiting with Nikki, and doing our annual trip to Zionsville which is awesome, and if you've ever been there, you'll know what I mean, and if you haven't..you should go sometime, it's shopping but its a quaint artist town like little Nashville. The upcoming event on Sunday is one to be expecting an invite if you live close to us. Sunday afternoon there will be an adult only pool party, held at Dennis Romack's house in honor of David and I, for the rest of Phillis's family to meet me. Hosted by Phillis herself. :0) I'm so proud to call her mom #2. :0)

In the midst of all this, we still have the upcoming wedding for Tera and Myles and I have to start making chocolates for that. :0) That is exciting and work out making the grooms cake...Where is the time? I don't know.

Grace is yet again ahead of her game, at least I think so. She's still as spunky as ever, and trying not to get fined too much at school, there are a few C's arriving home, but all of them are over her not reading directions and not double checking her work. ;0) Man, that was so much like me when I was her age. The difference is, in this class, she can't wake up from her daydream and expect to get it right, she has to focus and pay attention. This is a stepping stone for her, and Mrs. Harshbarger says she's progressing beautifully. :0) Me on the other hand, I was in a daydream starting at grade 3...and never stopped, in high school I was the same way, but everytime I "woke up" I couldn't figure it out by that point. LOLOL I hope she does not try and do the same.

Off I go to start the measurements on the bathroom, wish us luck!!!!

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