Wednesday, September 10, 2008 you remember me?

LOLOL...Kevin grabs my face, and squeezes my cheeks...and says..hellloooo mommy do you remember me? We were sitting at the table discussing the drama of the day.

So we work out some good contacts thanks to Myles and Jay Benner we found our home in question.... I say home in question because low and behold we have to wait on our buyers.

Their "investor" is coming for house review on Saturday at 10, they believe there may be some red tape on an FHA, we don't believe there will since this was originally a VA loan at one time. :0) Good stuffs maynard. But they asked if we were interested in a contract sale. *Fingers crossed* this all goes through.

In a few months in the midst of Tera and Myles wedding, we may be MOVING...ARRGGGHHHH
And things are going to be significantly up a creek without a paddle. Talk about crazy...this is nuts! But ha ha ha..>I wouldn't have it any other way! Progress is being made. :0)

As for all other life in general, Grace is still being Grace. She's been fined at school multiple times now for not focusing and paying attention. And she's now spent her first several weeks of paychecks in economy at the stupid store they have every tuesday, and she's complaining she has to pay for health insurance since she has a dentist appt and they have to pay a $5.00 fine for any day that they miss, or have to be gone for a few hrs..unless they pay for health insurance. LOLOLOL
Oh..the moral dilema! I explained to her how this wasn't so bad...and that mommy wishes she had insurance when she got sick and had to go to the ER it would have been cheaper, but she doesn't get it. LOL

All in all life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Cody is a 4.9 so that makes me feel real good bout his score. I got a little smartie too. Grace is a girl so of course she will do better. If Cody would apply himself more he would probably be higher. He does just enough to keep me off his back.


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