Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thoughts from the mower...

Trees with branches that don't move, tick me off.

Riding lawn mowers are supposed to cut the time in half, not double it, but I guess that's what happen when only one blade works.

I am blessed *cursed* with the Mangus work ethic.
If only I had watched my daddy prepare and beautify his lawn, I have found I am more anal than ever about how it looks.

Slimy slug catapillars that bite do not belong on my neck.

Kevin is such a good little man, I get my morning hug, and he's not awake without it. :0) Even if he has to stop me from what I am doing.

Children who are all grown up and still using their parents to milk them for money is not acceptable. I won't tolerate it. My kids have a rough road ahead of them like I did.

I am the crotchity little old house wife who has no neighbors, but still wants the mailman to think her yard looks nice...and that her husband doesn't have to mow it all the time.

Wonder what else I can do, so David doesn't have to....

Okay I think that was all of them.


  1. We were both cursed. I have taken on project after project since we've moved. Plus I was out watering the plants this morning at like 6. WTF?


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