Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Evening

And yet again.....I'm blogging... Grace is still with her Grandma will be for the week I guess.

It was difficult to hear she had chosen to stay. But her father did say that the cell phone he can understand, yet she looms it over anyone's head if they cross her path she can call her mother. LOL I think this is funny yet somewhat twisted concept on her part.

Grace has gotten away with nearly anything and everything, and when the ex's family wants to show off for their friends then it is INCONVENIENT for her to get away with whatever she wants, so then it becomes an issue. Whose the bigger adult about this? It's a really hard call.

So Grace really didn't say she CHOSE to stay to me on the phone, but I called her father, like all mom's do, we have to hear ALL the angles, because eventually the angel will tarnish her halo....Grace's has been tarnished since she could talk, but you get my drift. LOL

He told me she put up and argument, she had two opportunities to hitch a ride home, and guess what she didn't take it. And now she is stuck with Grandma D who has been frustrated all weekend with her. And when Grace recounted it, "I'd been called ass numerous times today."
Yeah it wasn't her dad who had called her it this time, it was her Grandma. Can you imagine that? Grace be an ass? Hmm...let me see, I'd be a total horses hiney too if I got my way about everything, and then all the sudden had to show character and some class...I've never been taught to respect these people, so not only did she look like one, she made her grandparents look like asses as well. Once again, who is the adult here?

We picked up little man and for the most part it's been a calm evening. He's kept saying, "It's not fair." About various thing, and when we gave him peanut butter whoppers we had chose for him at Wal-Mart he asked, "Will these make me freakin' crazy?" David and I have suspicion that his other mom had chosen to test the theory of Red Dye 40 this week when she had him, and didn't have a really good experience...we've never heard him say it like that. LOL

1 comment:

  1. LOL 2 freakin' crazy. I can't even picture the Kev man saying that. =P


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