Then as most curious little boys go, he asks, "Mommy why are you sitting like that." I've planted myself hunched over in a half ball in the tub so I am not exposed). All be it, I was VERY uncomfortable and kept asking him to shut the door, and innocently he asks, "Why?" I tell him, "Mommy doesn't have her clothes on she is naked in the bathtub and would like him to close the door NOW." Mind you I am gritting my teeth, being pleasant but firm because the draft from the hallway to the bathroom is a little chilly and I am not very happy by this. He looks as me and says, "It's okay mommy I won't laugh." I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! HE WON'T LAUGH AT MY NUDE BODY!!! This sends my dearly beloved husband in fits of giggles, covering his face because this was tooo funny....yeah I have to agree, I was struck with the funny bone after that. We managed to get him to close the door by this time.
As things go, Grace has lost two teeth side by side each other this week. Monday morning she woke up to tell me, "MOM I JUST SPIT OUT MY TOOTH!!!" Apparently the other tooth underneath it was tired of waiting for her to pluck it out. Then that night at school her teacher had commented on the fact that she needed to pull the other one, because, "I could seeing it being a HUGE distraction during your ISTEP testing Grace." The following morning I told her, "You need to pull that tooth because it did all it's bleeding yesterday when you lost the other one." She cried and threw a fit and told me that it "HURT REALLY BAD", and I instructed her, "Don't push forward or backward just get a hold of it and pull up." Screaming and crying she swears to me that, "It's gonna hurt really bad, see I'll show you." Then boink...and the tooth is out. She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders, "Huh, I swear to you mommy it hurt really bad last night." And she merrily finished brushing her hair, then skipped to get her baggie to put the tooth in.
Although she caught the tooth fairy , apparently she still doesn't want to believe it's me because yet again, she put the tooth under her pillow Monday night and gained $1.00 and no tooth. (The tooth fairy didn't have time to get the last one, that's kinda how I got caught.) Then last night she gained $2.00 for the secondary tooth, and yet again, the tooth fairy actually took that tooth too! I guess the "tooth fairy" learned the hard way, that she would drag her biological hazardous teeth to school with her after they were plucked from her mouth, so she lost the priveledge of keeping them. LOLOL
We were at the school Monday night for Family Reading Night, and I turned in a cake that gets auctioned off for proceeds that are split between the school library and Riley's Children Hospital.
Grace's choice in book for the cake was, What Mom's Can't Do by Daniel Wood. It ddn't have a bunch of candy or use dry ice for the erupting volcano cake, and it sure didn't look like a 2D version of R2D2 but it grossed $20 for the school, although the cake was definitely worth much much more!
I was thoroughly impressed by how much time people staring at the cake in awe. And the family who purchased it, the wife carried it out like it was the biggest trophy she had ever gotten. And that made me feel really good. I didn't get anything from it other than some good quality time with my daughter, who by the way made the dinosaur boy, and helped with the orange trash can, and helped make the fondant and icing with me. So it was a good time. But Grace stated to me as we left the building that night, "We have to make a much COOOLER cake next year mom." I gently reminded her, I had her pick the book and the scene she wanted to create, so um...."MAYBE NEXT YEAR, you'll come up with the cooler idea yet." LOLOL
Kevin is learning to read some sight words, although you can't get him to recite the alphabet letter for letter he does a pretty good job as it stands with a few letters missing in between. He's doing very well in his progress. The other task is tying shoes, learning his address, and a phone number...which is going to be a little more difficult but I think we'll be able to accomplish it. :0)
Wishing everyone well!
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