Sunday, March 8, 2009

I can prove the ex's are psychos!!!!!!!!!!

First and foremost this has been a week I wish that never happened.

Started out Monday (0r some day this week) was going to be a great day...I found an old friend! Really he found me!!!! Jeremy Wampler the next great American novelist...he was my first original "adopted" son. When I first was married, my first apartment was next to a single mom with a young son. She worked all the time, but when she was working, we were normally home. I adopted Jeremy as my own, I was his surrogate mom and friend. Up until he turned 14, we were in constant contact. Then we moved, and he moved, and started turning into a teenager and life took us a different direction. I was thrilled to death about the new turn of developments and him hunting me down on facebook!!!!!!! Welcome to the turn of the century Jeremy! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!!! Can't wait to get together!

Tuesday turned out not to be so well. Grace's father had an incident and his girlfriend and the daycare turned him into CPS. Something about a bruise or bruises they found on his sons behind. He smacked him for using the restroom in a corner.
The whole CPS thing is secretly something I've wished for and hoped for would happen. I wasn't the one who had done it, and mine were for very different reasons from what he was turned in for.

My reasons: he verbally abuses one is called by their real name and Grace's name is usually "fatty" :0(
His house is very disgusting and no normal human being would live with animal feces, and human feces, and food rotting everywhere.
The children's rooms you can't even WALK in, you have to crawl over the junk.

All the same he is getting help that he needs. Although I could not withstand the constant emotional abuse, Grace thinks a lot like her father, so she does not mind as much as I did. The dilema here do you tell your daughter she can't see her father, because he has lost temporary custody of his son? All I know is that CPS told me that if one child's custody is pulled it's the same for both. But I was told that at the hearing on Friday that Grace was not mentioned. This just has to do with the child at his home. All Grace knows as of now is that her dad and his girlfriend are having issues and they are working with counselors. And temporarily he will be living with his mother. I have to call the Indiana Welfare Person that is in control of the case on Monday, to see what guidelines I have to follow to protect my daughter also.He's not a dangerous man, but then again, he can get really carried away with verbal abuse so it's confusing for me. Tomorrow I will know more when I make that call. **MY SMALL VICTORY** Grace's dad has agreed that Wednesday evening visitations are out!!! During school this has been a hinderence in her learning and sleep schedule.

As far as that goes, at the beginning of the week Sunday or Monday David, Grace, and I decided to continue to get sick and get worse. Not only was my brain filled with every inch of bouncing around neurons of anxiety but it was bouncing around in cramped space with all the germie nasties that were up in there. Seriously it was not good, and still isn't to some extent. I was not happy about this. Can you believe you can be a zombie and deal with all the drama. I was on pins and needles for days!!!!! Seriously I was emotionally drained, and I would crash in bed at night without a thought as to what I needed to do the next day. It was bad. And poor David has been plum tuckered out.

Friday night was GIRRLLLZZZZ NITE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! And boy was it FUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!
Tera, Heather, Carmen and I met at the Nine Irish on 38, started with some dining and a drink...then headed to Cox's by 8. It was a great time, by the time we got seated two of my great friends Mandy and Nate walked in and we had a mini reuinion! Totally by accident. Ann and Brian showed up with friends of theirs and the place was packed with friends and loved ones! :0) It was a great time, and hope to do it again soon, if we add Jeremy, Myles, and a few more, I believe we could take over the whole side of Cox's all with our group of friends and family members. :0) Wouldn't that be awesome?!? We should all try that some time. :0)
David and I ended up staying until closing time and it was fantastic, we caught up on our sleep by today and that was awesome!

When we went to get Kevin he had an orange ring around his mouth and they sent home a bottle of orange Fanta pop with him..>RED DYE #40 anyone, after strict warning, she has been advised. Tomorrow I'm scheduling his appointment with the doctor...I have to pre register Kevin for school at Mayflower anyway, and we will have him tested for all of his allergies. This is going to get her back in court. And that's just the way it goes. You abide by what's best with for the child, OR YOU WILL LOSE!!!!!!!! GUARANTEED!!!!

Hopefully this week will be a much more positive week!

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