Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I thought you knew everthing?
The Kentucky Trip this weekend was a blast!
I was thrilled to be the one to make Cody's cake for his party this past weekend. Granted, it wasn't the cake I wanted to make, but that one split in half due to the cake being very moist. That was a disappointment. The cake disaster set my schedule back severly and we didn't end up leaving the house until one a.m. on Saturday morning to drive there. The kids had went to bed by 8:30 and by the time it was time to travel, neither wanted to sleep until 4:30 by the time we got to Cody's they stayed awake until they took 1/2 hr naps right before the party.
This was the cake that should have been in Kentucky (to the left)....
(To the right)This is the cake that actually made it to the party.
The cake drama infuriated me, because I didn't allow some dry time and I threw those cakes in the freezer....they have to freeze to be able to carve...well this dry time allows for some moisture to release itself from the cake. With too much moisture once carved and thawed and no extra flat support in the middle of the cake I was doomed to failure, and when the marshmallow fondant was applied it cracked in the middle and the whole rear end went kapuut! GARRRR!
We made it to the party at the skating rink unscathed with a monster truck cake in hand. Cody was desperate to see the cake the next day, so we had him have a sneak peak about an hour before.
Let me tell you skating was something else all it's own! I haven't been on skates since I was 12 or 13 when the tore down the local skating rink. :0( And to see my brother don a pair of skates, along with my kids, and myself, I was in total shock. My own legs felt like a wobbly jello mold, or maybe that jelly that falls out of the canned hams... I had already told David a million times over I used to be really good...And all my hubby saw me do was wobble from wall to wall and obligingly fall on my uncushioned knees way to many times to count. I do believe I'll be wearing bruises from this excursion for a few more weeks. By the time it was time to cut the cake, I'll be darned if I wasn't getting the hang of things all over again. Since no one knew how the cake was constructed and I was part of this wonderful celebration, I was elected to cut my own cake! This is bad mojo for me...I do not like to hack into my own creations...nope, never, not once! But I did...and I got through it just fine. :0)
We attended a mexican restaurant that is the equivalent of el rodeo here, only their salsa was PERFECTO!!!! But when I got back to Mary's I was just so tired, I crashed while everyone one else had a blast. I continue to feel like I'm still catching up on some sleep.
For the people who were there on Sunday, I'll spare the details, but my uncle had an accident, he slightly got ran over by a mud truck/rail...he's okay, and thank God he is alive and kicking...but geez...I hope that never occurs again! The ride home from Kentucky on Monday was a breeze for the first three hours...the rest of the time, not so much. Then there were kids...and they were AWAKE!!!!
When we finally reached a Starbuck's I was in heaven. I do believe that if there was one in their town, that David and I would consider moving to Kentucky...that way Mary Jo and I could open a cake business. There's only one bakery in that area other than the Walmart and the Kroger...I bet it would do well. David and I lived off of gas station cappucino's and regular coffee...but nothing beats having those espresso's...and it was my own stupid fault for not packing my espresso pot.
The off ramp to our house was a sight for sore eyes...and Grace asked, "Where are we?" And Kevin said, "I thought you knew everything." And to that, through the fit of giggles I was in, I said, "Oh snap!" Sometimes Kevin is brighter than we think...and just as much of a smarty pants as his sister. LOL
I was thrilled to be the one to make Cody's cake for his party this past weekend. Granted, it wasn't the cake I wanted to make, but that one split in half due to the cake being very moist. That was a disappointment. The cake disaster set my schedule back severly and we didn't end up leaving the house until one a.m. on Saturday morning to drive there. The kids had went to bed by 8:30 and by the time it was time to travel, neither wanted to sleep until 4:30 by the time we got to Cody's they stayed awake until they took 1/2 hr naps right before the party.
This was the cake that should have been in Kentucky (to the left)....
The cake drama infuriated me, because I didn't allow some dry time and I threw those cakes in the freezer....they have to freeze to be able to carve...well this dry time allows for some moisture to release itself from the cake. With too much moisture once carved and thawed and no extra flat support in the middle of the cake I was doomed to failure, and when the marshmallow fondant was applied it cracked in the middle and the whole rear end went kapuut! GARRRR!
We made it to the party at the skating rink unscathed with a monster truck cake in hand. Cody was desperate to see the cake the next day, so we had him have a sneak peak about an hour before.
Let me tell you skating was something else all it's own! I haven't been on skates since I was 12 or 13 when the tore down the local skating rink. :0( And to see my brother don a pair of skates, along with my kids, and myself, I was in total shock. My own legs felt like a wobbly jello mold, or maybe that jelly that falls out of the canned hams... I had already told David a million times over I used to be really good...And all my hubby saw me do was wobble from wall to wall and obligingly fall on my uncushioned knees way to many times to count. I do believe I'll be wearing bruises from this excursion for a few more weeks. By the time it was time to cut the cake, I'll be darned if I wasn't getting the hang of things all over again. Since no one knew how the cake was constructed and I was part of this wonderful celebration, I was elected to cut my own cake! This is bad mojo for me...I do not like to hack into my own creations...nope, never, not once! But I did...and I got through it just fine. :0)
We attended a mexican restaurant that is the equivalent of el rodeo here, only their salsa was PERFECTO!!!! But when I got back to Mary's I was just so tired, I crashed while everyone one else had a blast. I continue to feel like I'm still catching up on some sleep.
For the people who were there on Sunday, I'll spare the details, but my uncle had an accident, he slightly got ran over by a mud truck/rail...he's okay, and thank God he is alive and kicking...but geez...I hope that never occurs again! The ride home from Kentucky on Monday was a breeze for the first three hours...the rest of the time, not so much. Then there were kids...and they were AWAKE!!!!
When we finally reached a Starbuck's I was in heaven. I do believe that if there was one in their town, that David and I would consider moving to Kentucky...that way Mary Jo and I could open a cake business. There's only one bakery in that area other than the Walmart and the Kroger...I bet it would do well. David and I lived off of gas station cappucino's and regular coffee...but nothing beats having those espresso's...and it was my own stupid fault for not packing my espresso pot.
The off ramp to our house was a sight for sore eyes...and Grace asked, "Where are we?" And Kevin said, "I thought you knew everything." And to that, through the fit of giggles I was in, I said, "Oh snap!" Sometimes Kevin is brighter than we think...and just as much of a smarty pants as his sister. LOL
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Immunization Fun....
So Monday was little Kevy's Physical for Kindergarten... It is coming up!
It was so fun, until he got to the room...and when the Dr. donned his rubber gloves, he got that crazy look in his eye...of course they had to check for hernia's and what not, and he didn't like that too much, but no pain.
The eye test was also fun...the nurse was asking him what certain pictures were...on the eye chart, the first one was a BIG gigantic HOUSE...and he said it was a house, he got the tree, he got a few others, but when it came to the smaller house he kept calling it a strawberry, and the nurse kept starting over....there was an apple on the chart too. LOL...he could see it but she failed his eye exam anyway because, well that darned house looked like a strawberry. And you know what? I agree. But I give major kudos to this nurse for being so patient...and her bold hairdoo!!! Not only was it a layered short style, but it was silver white on top and the bottom layer of her hair was Grape Kool-Aid Goodness purple...and that is the bomb!!!! I do believe this is a style I will move to, only with tropical punch red, when I come to terms with my silver hair...I'm just not ready for that yet. LOLOLOL
Back to kevin, he had to have some immunization shots..apparently good ol mom#1 had not taken him in since 2005...when he was ONE!!!!! So little man had to have 5 immunizations Monday night. When she covered her hands delicately with the rubber gloves, he again got the crazy eyes....then when she asked for the pants to be pulled down he went berzerk!!!!!!!!!!!! He completely started thrashing about, and she hadn't touched him yet...and screaming he was petrified...but Daddy and I were there, and we held him and told him it was okay. He got stuck seven times because he pulled away so far that the needle got yanked out twice....poor little man. The nurse was even sly about it and walked in sideways so he wouldn't see how many needles. Kudos for the nurse with very good brains! And kudos for them scheduling for us to be the last appointment they seen that day....otherwise they would have had an office full of petrified children about the kid around the corner being tortured to the point his lungs would explode.
But we are through it....he spent the rest of the evening walking around the house stiff legged...he looked more like R2D2...or a penguin, I am going to say it was a toss up. He kept asking, "Mommy, why did she have to be so mean?" "Seriously buddy, it's over and it doesn't hurt anymmore and if you want to go to school you had to have them, they are medicine. It's okay."
Today he went to visit Mom #1 because we will be taking them for the weekend that they should both be at their "other parents'" houses. This is a special occassion and trip so we were taking them since they did not get to attend last year. Anyway, she called saying that they were in the middle of dinner and he was crying and said something about a needle in his leg and pulled down his pants...she called very disturbingly upset. Really wanting to know why he needed a needle in his leg...are you serious? We've been talking to her about kindergarten for two months! can you be soooo ummm....light in the head? Get real! Well as it all goes...I had the convo with her and she was better about the situation, but I did get a chance to tell her he had not had a shot since 2005, the doctor showed me his record.
It was so fun, until he got to the room...and when the Dr. donned his rubber gloves, he got that crazy look in his eye...of course they had to check for hernia's and what not, and he didn't like that too much, but no pain.
The eye test was also fun...the nurse was asking him what certain pictures were...on the eye chart, the first one was a BIG gigantic HOUSE...and he said it was a house, he got the tree, he got a few others, but when it came to the smaller house he kept calling it a strawberry, and the nurse kept starting over....there was an apple on the chart too. LOL...he could see it but she failed his eye exam anyway because, well that darned house looked like a strawberry. And you know what? I agree. But I give major kudos to this nurse for being so patient...and her bold hairdoo!!! Not only was it a layered short style, but it was silver white on top and the bottom layer of her hair was Grape Kool-Aid Goodness purple...and that is the bomb!!!! I do believe this is a style I will move to, only with tropical punch red, when I come to terms with my silver hair...I'm just not ready for that yet. LOLOLOL
Back to kevin, he had to have some immunization shots..apparently good ol mom#1 had not taken him in since 2005...when he was ONE!!!!! So little man had to have 5 immunizations Monday night. When she covered her hands delicately with the rubber gloves, he again got the crazy eyes....then when she asked for the pants to be pulled down he went berzerk!!!!!!!!!!!! He completely started thrashing about, and she hadn't touched him yet...and screaming he was petrified...but Daddy and I were there, and we held him and told him it was okay. He got stuck seven times because he pulled away so far that the needle got yanked out twice....poor little man. The nurse was even sly about it and walked in sideways so he wouldn't see how many needles. Kudos for the nurse with very good brains! And kudos for them scheduling for us to be the last appointment they seen that day....otherwise they would have had an office full of petrified children about the kid around the corner being tortured to the point his lungs would explode.
But we are through it....he spent the rest of the evening walking around the house stiff legged...he looked more like R2D2...or a penguin, I am going to say it was a toss up. He kept asking, "Mommy, why did she have to be so mean?" "Seriously buddy, it's over and it doesn't hurt anymmore and if you want to go to school you had to have them, they are medicine. It's okay."
Today he went to visit Mom #1 because we will be taking them for the weekend that they should both be at their "other parents'" houses. This is a special occassion and trip so we were taking them since they did not get to attend last year. Anyway, she called saying that they were in the middle of dinner and he was crying and said something about a needle in his leg and pulled down his pants...she called very disturbingly upset. Really wanting to know why he needed a needle in his leg...are you serious? We've been talking to her about kindergarten for two months! can you be soooo ummm....light in the head? Get real! Well as it all goes...I had the convo with her and she was better about the situation, but I did get a chance to tell her he had not had a shot since 2005, the doctor showed me his record.
What's up party people!
Okay, so while some of us are recovering from our green beer "working class" either "had no greens to buy the beers, or green to buy the green to put in their beers" David and I worked. (this was a quote from my girl Heather). We had moved the deck from it's current location to the sliding door on the end of the front porch/guest room.
The point in doing this is so there is an entry from the house to the deck (which will be the most awesomest thing since sliced bread), and will be arranging the guest room so that there will be access for it's said use during the summer. :0) I'm thrilled!
David spent the evening leveling the deck...while I pondered why I am not out with my hubby celebrating St. Patty's....but alas, I am almost through the production of getting the bedroom done. :0) Both kids rooms are clean and I hope they stay that way...we will be off to visit our family in Kentucky this weekend, which I am thrilled about! Nikki, if you want to run away, you have a key!!!!!! :0)
We worked until our little hearts were content. Kevin spent the night with G'ma Phillis, and Grace focused on her work, cleaned her room, and went to bed at 9:30 p.m.....ummm...yeah where did the angel come from and is my daughter coming back, cuz whoever sent the angel in her place, I don't want the other one back. LOL
Tonight is production on Cody's Monster Truck Cake....ummm...I have forgotten the flavor but I think I'm going to do yellow and chocolate...if that's okay with his mom and him. :0) I've thought ahead and gotten the kids easter items, and that's taken care of. Trying to get all my ducks in a row, between production of baking and creating the millions lbs of icing I need to do I will also be packing for the weekend.
***Back to the lovely bedroom I have been creating, I got a full length mirror and I'm pretty sure I want to take it back down. It's not the mirror that I find repulsive, it's the image it portrays of me inside it....did you know Wal-mart sells funhouse mirrors? I didn't realize that the butt of all butts has spread wider than it should have, and I hope to gain my vanity back and start running again. Seriously, ummm...what I have seen in the mirror makes me want to gag....blech... Of course the 1000 calorie butter burger I had for lunch doesn't help much, but it was a splurge, since it's been like two months since we have had a burger of any sort!
The point in doing this is so there is an entry from the house to the deck (which will be the most awesomest thing since sliced bread), and will be arranging the guest room so that there will be access for it's said use during the summer. :0) I'm thrilled!
David spent the evening leveling the deck...while I pondered why I am not out with my hubby celebrating St. Patty's....but alas, I am almost through the production of getting the bedroom done. :0) Both kids rooms are clean and I hope they stay that way...we will be off to visit our family in Kentucky this weekend, which I am thrilled about! Nikki, if you want to run away, you have a key!!!!!! :0)
We worked until our little hearts were content. Kevin spent the night with G'ma Phillis, and Grace focused on her work, cleaned her room, and went to bed at 9:30 p.m.....ummm...yeah where did the angel come from and is my daughter coming back, cuz whoever sent the angel in her place, I don't want the other one back. LOL
Tonight is production on Cody's Monster Truck Cake....ummm...I have forgotten the flavor but I think I'm going to do yellow and chocolate...if that's okay with his mom and him. :0) I've thought ahead and gotten the kids easter items, and that's taken care of. Trying to get all my ducks in a row, between production of baking and creating the millions lbs of icing I need to do I will also be packing for the weekend.
***Back to the lovely bedroom I have been creating, I got a full length mirror and I'm pretty sure I want to take it back down. It's not the mirror that I find repulsive, it's the image it portrays of me inside it....did you know Wal-mart sells funhouse mirrors? I didn't realize that the butt of all butts has spread wider than it should have, and I hope to gain my vanity back and start running again. Seriously, ummm...what I have seen in the mirror makes me want to gag....blech... Of course the 1000 calorie butter burger I had for lunch doesn't help much, but it was a splurge, since it's been like two months since we have had a burger of any sort!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Four Slice Toaster....
Can you believe it? Grace has discovered we got a new toaster! One of my precious valentine's day gifts for the family! No more using that $10 2 slice toaster I've had for 15 yrs that I bought at OSCO's. LOL So my fine cuisinart toaster has been used for the first time since I have gotten it. Apparently Grace was not aware that you can toast only 2 pieces at a time if you want to... I discovered this yesterday when I went to go get a piece of bread. (We keep our bread in the fridge.) And curiously enough it was a little tan on both sides, but I used it anyway. Then I realize....I'll be darned if this bread isn't TOASTED and stuffed back in the bread bag! When making toast, she toasted four slices, she made PB&J toast for Kevin and herself and stuffed the other two pieces of bread in the bread bag. LOL We had a toaster education and I'm sure I will not be eating refrigerated toast again...blech!
**On an up note...Grace's dad had his hearing on Friday, although he is ordered for major counseling and drug testing. He will have supervised visitation with Ethan, and he'll be living with his mother during this 5 - 6 week period of time, but he has temporarily lost custody of Ethan altogether. Grace was not involved at all in this situation or mentioned in the hearing, but as a guideline, I told him Wednesday night visitations are now out. It is a small victory for me, because I've been arguing with him about it since she started her gifted and talented class this year.
**Easter gifts and such....if by chance you purchase the children candy for easter...please read all labels even chocolate! NO RED DYE #40 at all. Some white chocolates may also have traces, and there is also a natural product called carmine that they use to color things. Caramel Color is a listed ingrediant (there is also red dye #40 in it. I've found that we are going to restrict BOTH children from consumption. Eczema in children is sometimes an allergic reaction to the dye's consumption, although she's had it since she was a baby, some times it's worse than others and aggrivates her to the point she scratches until she bleeds.
**Kevin is now approved through the superintendent to start Kindergarten at Mayflower this coming fall, and I've got to finish the paperwork to send it to the school. :0) I'm excited about that. It's a small victory in his education. When we had met with Mrs. Fitzgerald , Principal, and Ms. Higgins, Assistant Principal...they said he's more than qualified, he's got to learn to tie his shoes, learn our address and our phone number and he is set to go! For this reason and the incident with the Orange Fanta Pop that Denise sent him home with on Sunday we have scheduled shot updates, and physical along with allergy referral to get him tested for sure about the red dye #40, so we have legal backing as far as she is concerned. Although it's obvious he has issues with this...some people are not paying attention to it, and it's highly inconvenient for his sanity and learning.
Grace has also had an incident last Friday at Gma Phillis's...where she ate WAYYYY TOOO MANY Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Eggs, and needless to say she ate until she had gotten sick. So the mention of chocolate and marshmallow anything, along with Marshmallow now turns her green. LOL...It's funny that I threaten that Peter Cottontail will leave her another dozen carton in her basket...I know I'm a mean mommy...but it cracks us up to see her face.
Too many times I've had the discussion of her having to stop and not gorge herself, this is one of those times, and hopefully she's learned a lesson from it. :0)
**Grace's major case of the ick is doing fine. She woke up with a temp 102.3 on Tuesday and I took her to the doctor. A round of anti biotics and an anti-inflammatory for her help with all the bronchial type aggrivation and lots of mucinex and she's doing well. No more fever. David and I also seem to be coming out of our ick too, which is awesome! :0)
**I've managed to get some of my bedroom painted yesterday, although today will be a busy day and we have parent teacher conferences, half day, and we will be volunteering at the school in the evening, I will not be able to work on it again until tomorrow...I'm excited to get it done.
I hope life is finding everyone well!
**On an up note...Grace's dad had his hearing on Friday, although he is ordered for major counseling and drug testing. He will have supervised visitation with Ethan, and he'll be living with his mother during this 5 - 6 week period of time, but he has temporarily lost custody of Ethan altogether. Grace was not involved at all in this situation or mentioned in the hearing, but as a guideline, I told him Wednesday night visitations are now out. It is a small victory for me, because I've been arguing with him about it since she started her gifted and talented class this year.
**Easter gifts and such....if by chance you purchase the children candy for easter...please read all labels even chocolate! NO RED DYE #40 at all. Some white chocolates may also have traces, and there is also a natural product called carmine that they use to color things. Caramel Color is a listed ingrediant (there is also red dye #40 in it. I've found that we are going to restrict BOTH children from consumption. Eczema in children is sometimes an allergic reaction to the dye's consumption, although she's had it since she was a baby, some times it's worse than others and aggrivates her to the point she scratches until she bleeds.
**Kevin is now approved through the superintendent to start Kindergarten at Mayflower this coming fall, and I've got to finish the paperwork to send it to the school. :0) I'm excited about that. It's a small victory in his education. When we had met with Mrs. Fitzgerald , Principal, and Ms. Higgins, Assistant Principal...they said he's more than qualified, he's got to learn to tie his shoes, learn our address and our phone number and he is set to go! For this reason and the incident with the Orange Fanta Pop that Denise sent him home with on Sunday we have scheduled shot updates, and physical along with allergy referral to get him tested for sure about the red dye #40, so we have legal backing as far as she is concerned. Although it's obvious he has issues with this...some people are not paying attention to it, and it's highly inconvenient for his sanity and learning.
Grace has also had an incident last Friday at Gma Phillis's...where she ate WAYYYY TOOO MANY Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Eggs, and needless to say she ate until she had gotten sick. So the mention of chocolate and marshmallow anything, along with Marshmallow now turns her green. LOL...It's funny that I threaten that Peter Cottontail will leave her another dozen carton in her basket...I know I'm a mean mommy...but it cracks us up to see her face.
Too many times I've had the discussion of her having to stop and not gorge herself, this is one of those times, and hopefully she's learned a lesson from it. :0)
**Grace's major case of the ick is doing fine. She woke up with a temp 102.3 on Tuesday and I took her to the doctor. A round of anti biotics and an anti-inflammatory for her help with all the bronchial type aggrivation and lots of mucinex and she's doing well. No more fever. David and I also seem to be coming out of our ick too, which is awesome! :0)
**I've managed to get some of my bedroom painted yesterday, although today will be a busy day and we have parent teacher conferences, half day, and we will be volunteering at the school in the evening, I will not be able to work on it again until tomorrow...I'm excited to get it done.
I hope life is finding everyone well!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I can prove the ex's are psychos!!!!!!!!!!
First and foremost this has been a week I wish that never happened.
Started out Monday (0r some day this week) was going to be a great day...I found an old friend! Really he found me!!!! Jeremy Wampler the next great American novelist...he was my first original "adopted" son. When I first was married, my first apartment was next to a single mom with a young son. She worked all the time, but when she was working, we were normally home. I adopted Jeremy as my own, I was his surrogate mom and friend. Up until he turned 14, we were in constant contact. Then we moved, and he moved, and started turning into a teenager and life took us a different direction. I was thrilled to death about the new turn of developments and him hunting me down on facebook!!!!!!! Welcome to the turn of the century Jeremy! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!!! Can't wait to get together!
Tuesday turned out not to be so well. Grace's father had an incident and his girlfriend and the daycare turned him into CPS. Something about a bruise or bruises they found on his sons behind. He smacked him for using the restroom in a corner.
The whole CPS thing is secretly something I've wished for and hoped for would happen. I wasn't the one who had done it, and mine were for very different reasons from what he was turned in for.
My reasons: he verbally abuses one is called by their real name and Grace's name is usually "fatty" :0(
His house is very disgusting and no normal human being would live with animal feces, and human feces, and food rotting everywhere.
The children's rooms you can't even WALK in, you have to crawl over the junk.
All the same he is getting help that he needs. Although I could not withstand the constant emotional abuse, Grace thinks a lot like her father, so she does not mind as much as I did. The dilema here do you tell your daughter she can't see her father, because he has lost temporary custody of his son? All I know is that CPS told me that if one child's custody is pulled it's the same for both. But I was told that at the hearing on Friday that Grace was not mentioned. This just has to do with the child at his home. All Grace knows as of now is that her dad and his girlfriend are having issues and they are working with counselors. And temporarily he will be living with his mother. I have to call the Indiana Welfare Person that is in control of the case on Monday, to see what guidelines I have to follow to protect my daughter also.He's not a dangerous man, but then again, he can get really carried away with verbal abuse so it's confusing for me. Tomorrow I will know more when I make that call. **MY SMALL VICTORY** Grace's dad has agreed that Wednesday evening visitations are out!!! During school this has been a hinderence in her learning and sleep schedule.
As far as that goes, at the beginning of the week Sunday or Monday David, Grace, and I decided to continue to get sick and get worse. Not only was my brain filled with every inch of bouncing around neurons of anxiety but it was bouncing around in cramped space with all the germie nasties that were up in there. Seriously it was not good, and still isn't to some extent. I was not happy about this. Can you believe you can be a zombie and deal with all the drama. I was on pins and needles for days!!!!! Seriously I was emotionally drained, and I would crash in bed at night without a thought as to what I needed to do the next day. It was bad. And poor David has been plum tuckered out.
Friday night was GIRRLLLZZZZ NITE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! And boy was it FUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!
Tera, Heather, Carmen and I met at the Nine Irish on 38, started with some dining and a drink...then headed to Cox's by 8. It was a great time, by the time we got seated two of my great friends Mandy and Nate walked in and we had a mini reuinion! Totally by accident. Ann and Brian showed up with friends of theirs and the place was packed with friends and loved ones! :0) It was a great time, and hope to do it again soon, if we add Jeremy, Myles, and a few more, I believe we could take over the whole side of Cox's all with our group of friends and family members. :0) Wouldn't that be awesome?!? We should all try that some time. :0)
David and I ended up staying until closing time and it was fantastic, we caught up on our sleep by today and that was awesome!
When we went to get Kevin he had an orange ring around his mouth and they sent home a bottle of orange Fanta pop with him..>RED DYE #40 anyone, after strict warning, she has been advised. Tomorrow I'm scheduling his appointment with the doctor...I have to pre register Kevin for school at Mayflower anyway, and we will have him tested for all of his allergies. This is going to get her back in court. And that's just the way it goes. You abide by what's best with for the child, OR YOU WILL LOSE!!!!!!!! GUARANTEED!!!!
Hopefully this week will be a much more positive week!
Started out Monday (0r some day this week) was going to be a great day...I found an old friend! Really he found me!!!! Jeremy Wampler the next great American novelist...he was my first original "adopted" son. When I first was married, my first apartment was next to a single mom with a young son. She worked all the time, but when she was working, we were normally home. I adopted Jeremy as my own, I was his surrogate mom and friend. Up until he turned 14, we were in constant contact. Then we moved, and he moved, and started turning into a teenager and life took us a different direction. I was thrilled to death about the new turn of developments and him hunting me down on facebook!!!!!!! Welcome to the turn of the century Jeremy! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!!! Can't wait to get together!
Tuesday turned out not to be so well. Grace's father had an incident and his girlfriend and the daycare turned him into CPS. Something about a bruise or bruises they found on his sons behind. He smacked him for using the restroom in a corner.
The whole CPS thing is secretly something I've wished for and hoped for would happen. I wasn't the one who had done it, and mine were for very different reasons from what he was turned in for.
My reasons: he verbally abuses one is called by their real name and Grace's name is usually "fatty" :0(
His house is very disgusting and no normal human being would live with animal feces, and human feces, and food rotting everywhere.
The children's rooms you can't even WALK in, you have to crawl over the junk.
All the same he is getting help that he needs. Although I could not withstand the constant emotional abuse, Grace thinks a lot like her father, so she does not mind as much as I did. The dilema here do you tell your daughter she can't see her father, because he has lost temporary custody of his son? All I know is that CPS told me that if one child's custody is pulled it's the same for both. But I was told that at the hearing on Friday that Grace was not mentioned. This just has to do with the child at his home. All Grace knows as of now is that her dad and his girlfriend are having issues and they are working with counselors. And temporarily he will be living with his mother. I have to call the Indiana Welfare Person that is in control of the case on Monday, to see what guidelines I have to follow to protect my daughter also.He's not a dangerous man, but then again, he can get really carried away with verbal abuse so it's confusing for me. Tomorrow I will know more when I make that call. **MY SMALL VICTORY** Grace's dad has agreed that Wednesday evening visitations are out!!! During school this has been a hinderence in her learning and sleep schedule.
As far as that goes, at the beginning of the week Sunday or Monday David, Grace, and I decided to continue to get sick and get worse. Not only was my brain filled with every inch of bouncing around neurons of anxiety but it was bouncing around in cramped space with all the germie nasties that were up in there. Seriously it was not good, and still isn't to some extent. I was not happy about this. Can you believe you can be a zombie and deal with all the drama. I was on pins and needles for days!!!!! Seriously I was emotionally drained, and I would crash in bed at night without a thought as to what I needed to do the next day. It was bad. And poor David has been plum tuckered out.
Friday night was GIRRLLLZZZZ NITE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! And boy was it FUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!
Tera, Heather, Carmen and I met at the Nine Irish on 38, started with some dining and a drink...then headed to Cox's by 8. It was a great time, by the time we got seated two of my great friends Mandy and Nate walked in and we had a mini reuinion! Totally by accident. Ann and Brian showed up with friends of theirs and the place was packed with friends and loved ones! :0) It was a great time, and hope to do it again soon, if we add Jeremy, Myles, and a few more, I believe we could take over the whole side of Cox's all with our group of friends and family members. :0) Wouldn't that be awesome?!? We should all try that some time. :0)
David and I ended up staying until closing time and it was fantastic, we caught up on our sleep by today and that was awesome!
When we went to get Kevin he had an orange ring around his mouth and they sent home a bottle of orange Fanta pop with him..>RED DYE #40 anyone, after strict warning, she has been advised. Tomorrow I'm scheduling his appointment with the doctor...I have to pre register Kevin for school at Mayflower anyway, and we will have him tested for all of his allergies. This is going to get her back in court. And that's just the way it goes. You abide by what's best with for the child, OR YOU WILL LOSE!!!!!!!! GUARANTEED!!!!
Hopefully this week will be a much more positive week!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"Mommy I won't laugh...."
As most wednesday mornings go, I was getting bathed when Kevin woke up and came to the bathroom. Seriously, I don't believe he gets the fact that knocking is a priority, he was coming to get Chiquita. Without his morning kisses from her he just isn't complete. ;0)
Then as most curious little boys go, he asks, "Mommy why are you sitting like that." I've planted myself hunched over in a half ball in the tub so I am not exposed). All be it, I was VERY uncomfortable and kept asking him to shut the door, and innocently he asks, "Why?" I tell him, "Mommy doesn't have her clothes on she is naked in the bathtub and would like him to close the door NOW." Mind you I am gritting my teeth, being pleasant but firm because the draft from the hallway to the bathroom is a little chilly and I am not very happy by this. He looks as me and says, "It's okay mommy I won't laugh." I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! HE WON'T LAUGH AT MY NUDE BODY!!! This sends my dearly beloved husband in fits of giggles, covering his face because this was tooo funny....yeah I have to agree, I was struck with the funny bone after that. We managed to get him to close the door by this time.
As things go, Grace has lost two teeth side by side each other this week. Monday morning she woke up to tell me, "MOM I JUST SPIT OUT MY TOOTH!!!" Apparently the other tooth underneath it was tired of waiting for her to pluck it out. Then that night at school her teacher had commented on the fact that she needed to pull the other one, because, "I could seeing it being a HUGE distraction during your ISTEP testing Grace." The following morning I told her, "You need to pull that tooth because it did all it's bleeding yesterday when you lost the other one." She cried and threw a fit and told me that it "HURT REALLY BAD", and I instructed her, "Don't push forward or backward just get a hold of it and pull up." Screaming and crying she swears to me that, "It's gonna hurt really bad, see I'll show you." Then boink...and the tooth is out. She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders, "Huh, I swear to you mommy it hurt really bad last night." And she merrily finished brushing her hair, then skipped to get her baggie to put the tooth in.
Although she caught the tooth fairy , apparently she still doesn't want to believe it's me because yet again, she put the tooth under her pillow Monday night and gained $1.00 and no tooth. (The tooth fairy didn't have time to get the last one, that's kinda how I got caught.) Then last night she gained $2.00 for the secondary tooth, and yet again, the tooth fairy actually took that tooth too! I guess the "tooth fairy" learned the hard way, that she would drag her biological hazardous teeth to school with her after they were plucked from her mouth, so she lost the priveledge of keeping them. LOLOL
We were at the school Monday night for Family Reading Night, and I turned in a cake that gets auctioned off for proceeds that are split between the school library and Riley's Children Hospital.
Grace's choice in book for the cake was, What Mom's Can't Do by Daniel Wood. It ddn't have a bunch of candy or use dry ice for the erupting volcano cake, and it sure didn't look like a 2D version of R2D2 but it grossed $20 for the school, although the cake was definitely worth much much more!

I was thoroughly impressed by how much time people staring at the cake in awe. And the family who purchased it, the wife carried it out like it was the biggest trophy she had ever gotten. And that made me feel really good. I didn't get anything from it other than some good quality time with my daughter, who by the way made the dinosaur boy, and helped with the orange trash can, and helped make the fondant and icing with me. So it was a good time. But Grace stated to me as we left the building that night, "We have to make a much COOOLER cake next year mom." I gently reminded her, I had her pick the book and the scene she wanted to create, so um...."MAYBE NEXT YEAR, you'll come up with the cooler idea yet." LOLOL
Kevin is learning to read some sight words, although you can't get him to recite the alphabet letter for letter he does a pretty good job as it stands with a few letters missing in between. He's doing very well in his progress. The other task is tying shoes, learning his address, and a phone number...which is going to be a little more difficult but I think we'll be able to accomplish it. :0)
Wishing everyone well!
Then as most curious little boys go, he asks, "Mommy why are you sitting like that." I've planted myself hunched over in a half ball in the tub so I am not exposed). All be it, I was VERY uncomfortable and kept asking him to shut the door, and innocently he asks, "Why?" I tell him, "Mommy doesn't have her clothes on she is naked in the bathtub and would like him to close the door NOW." Mind you I am gritting my teeth, being pleasant but firm because the draft from the hallway to the bathroom is a little chilly and I am not very happy by this. He looks as me and says, "It's okay mommy I won't laugh." I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! HE WON'T LAUGH AT MY NUDE BODY!!! This sends my dearly beloved husband in fits of giggles, covering his face because this was tooo funny....yeah I have to agree, I was struck with the funny bone after that. We managed to get him to close the door by this time.
As things go, Grace has lost two teeth side by side each other this week. Monday morning she woke up to tell me, "MOM I JUST SPIT OUT MY TOOTH!!!" Apparently the other tooth underneath it was tired of waiting for her to pluck it out. Then that night at school her teacher had commented on the fact that she needed to pull the other one, because, "I could seeing it being a HUGE distraction during your ISTEP testing Grace." The following morning I told her, "You need to pull that tooth because it did all it's bleeding yesterday when you lost the other one." She cried and threw a fit and told me that it "HURT REALLY BAD", and I instructed her, "Don't push forward or backward just get a hold of it and pull up." Screaming and crying she swears to me that, "It's gonna hurt really bad, see I'll show you." Then boink...and the tooth is out. She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders, "Huh, I swear to you mommy it hurt really bad last night." And she merrily finished brushing her hair, then skipped to get her baggie to put the tooth in.
Although she caught the tooth fairy , apparently she still doesn't want to believe it's me because yet again, she put the tooth under her pillow Monday night and gained $1.00 and no tooth. (The tooth fairy didn't have time to get the last one, that's kinda how I got caught.) Then last night she gained $2.00 for the secondary tooth, and yet again, the tooth fairy actually took that tooth too! I guess the "tooth fairy" learned the hard way, that she would drag her biological hazardous teeth to school with her after they were plucked from her mouth, so she lost the priveledge of keeping them. LOLOL
We were at the school Monday night for Family Reading Night, and I turned in a cake that gets auctioned off for proceeds that are split between the school library and Riley's Children Hospital.
Grace's choice in book for the cake was, What Mom's Can't Do by Daniel Wood. It ddn't have a bunch of candy or use dry ice for the erupting volcano cake, and it sure didn't look like a 2D version of R2D2 but it grossed $20 for the school, although the cake was definitely worth much much more!
I was thoroughly impressed by how much time people staring at the cake in awe. And the family who purchased it, the wife carried it out like it was the biggest trophy she had ever gotten. And that made me feel really good. I didn't get anything from it other than some good quality time with my daughter, who by the way made the dinosaur boy, and helped with the orange trash can, and helped make the fondant and icing with me. So it was a good time. But Grace stated to me as we left the building that night, "We have to make a much COOOLER cake next year mom." I gently reminded her, I had her pick the book and the scene she wanted to create, so um...."MAYBE NEXT YEAR, you'll come up with the cooler idea yet." LOLOL
Kevin is learning to read some sight words, although you can't get him to recite the alphabet letter for letter he does a pretty good job as it stands with a few letters missing in between. He's doing very well in his progress. The other task is tying shoes, learning his address, and a phone number...which is going to be a little more difficult but I think we'll be able to accomplish it. :0)
Wishing everyone well!
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