Wednesday, January 21, 2009

FAMILY...head my warning!!!! Hide the bathroom trash!

It's umm.... 1:57 a.m. and I'm awake, wondering if the 2 tsp of tylenol nighttime cold will help. I've been drowing in my own drainage for like an hour and coughing my damn head off. I'm so freakin tired I can't stand myself, but I'm past my point of sleep. Don't ask me how David managed to help push me past that point, okay maybe he didn't, after all he mentioned I should go lay down at like 10 after going through the dry heave stage. (When I get tired I get nauseated) Needless to say, around 11 we started to get ready for bed...then at 11:48 I'm wanting a cup of tea!

So my extra efforts at the good wife thing, is reading to David at night, and we are covering some of the book, Such a Pretty Fat by Jen Lancaster to David, and guess what? He was laughing and within ten minutes his mid chuckle turned into his full blown was kind of humorous. He was actually enjoying the story as much as I was, but then WHAM, the REM fairy opened up his nasal passages and freakin gorilla glued his eyes I was stuck alone and un attended with my book, and next thing I know it's One in the morning!

My neck hurts though, the muscles are tight, and I don't know if it's from all the half sleep coughing or the reading, I'm tired, yet I'm emailing my bestest girl at 2 a.m. waiting for the tylenol to make my head clear enough to lay down again, so I can breath/sleep. REM Stage 3 might be better than whatever I was doing for the past hour whenI actually did force to close my eyes. Okay so it's now 2:12 a.m. I have to go to sleep...I mean I have to get up and take Grace to school, and be a mommy on demand tomorrow. It's Wednesday tomorrow and in the afternoon it's a grueling schedule of driving to pick her up, driving to the shop, to drop her off with the dreaded you know who for her visitation....which I think is still such a wayyyy bad idea. Visitations on Wednesdays have to stop, not only are the utterly inconvenient period, they are sooo not doing her any favors, when they are uneducational visits and emotionally damaging. You know the grill so why am I rambling....hey maybe the tylenol is setting in!

***Yeah this is how my night went..... then my BFF receives an early a.m. email from me, subject titled: WONDERING
*Whether I had a stupid attack and took that green tea pill tooo late in the evening .... then drank tea on top of it....yet still having the cold issue, may be part of my insomnia....
*Why my "feminine hygeine" products that are placed neatly back in their packages after use, are pulled out of the wrappers and laying on top of the trash, and which child did it, so I can have a serious conversation with them. (I'm sorry but I have to be blunt about this.)
*What my BFF is gonna say when she reads my facebook comments and my email rants about what a retard I am.
*Why I'm here, now talking to my son who just got up to tell me he's hungry for like the second weeknight in a row. Oh geez.
*Why I didn't buy more bananas because they are quick little snacks for the hungry four year old monkey who eats in the middle of the night.

Seriously, the culprit to the bathroom trash is my nine year old girl, who claims she didn't know what it was....then we had to talk about curiousity of bio hazard trash cans...and that it's not smart that once you've identified one package, why you would bother picking up yet one that looks the same as the last, and pluck out the contents of that package too. Yeah really I had this conversation this hide your trash, please, I beg you, cuz she's gonna dig in it. Although I hope the bio hazard talk helped....maybe leaving a piece of dog poo in the top of the trash can every so often will detour the digging. LOLOLOL Just kidding...but I have to drive the point home sometime.

She's getting overly curious about the feminine thing...she's gonna find out in another year anyway, and I told her if she has questions because of kids at school, then she can ask, but we will not have the "talk" until they watch the sex ed videos in class at school.

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