Monday, January 26, 2009

Espresso Pots are cool...Alcohol is bad

Okay, I first have to start out saying I apologize for my public display on Saturday.

I was raised that even if someone didn't see you, someone else did, and so making public apologies are best, because THE SIDEWALK TALKS.

***I got an espresso pot....I love it on Wednesday, and now I can fuel my caffeine addiction craziness with my own pot on my own stove without frequenting the my quad venti is in my kitchen and with me in the morning. I don't know if this is good or bad, or if it was the fuel to the craziness that drove me on Saturday night.

I had my espresso....the pot is big enough for one person, one quad...mine only, no I won't share. Wasn't hungry all day. Now I don't have my kids this past weekend, one bonus to having a split family and having primary custody is scheduling so the kids are gone at the same time, and we are always together as a family. So no one child is gone while the other is here. It makes a nice family life, and gives us a weekend to ourselves.

We were celebrating my sister's birthday and it was such a great idea, seriously it was. We went to El Rodeo...and I told David I was going to start out slow. Only a large margarita nothing horribly bad, right? After the dinner and giving the rest of the yummy pina colada cake to the restaurant employees...we left and headed to J.D.'s lounge. This place is a hole in the wall, and these are older people...which we didn't blend so nicely with I guess. I don't know, after a few more drinks it didn't matter. Myles went home, and so did my folks...the rest of us went to Cox's.

Many more drinks later, and I think many more shots that I consumed but Josh bought (after recalling the number of events with Tera) I discovered that I was wayyy tooo gone for words. Apparently more than I have been in a very long time. Bad enough, that I swore to David I would never go out again, or consume anymore alcohol ever.

Mind you, in my defense...I was letting my hair down. Christmas break lasted two full weeks, and Grace had two days of school, and then another five days off due to weather. So I wanted to have some fun, I was being stir with espresso fueled craziness, and wanting to really relieve the stress...yeah I did just that.

Some creepy guy walked up to our table, and exclaimed how beautiful I was, and I flipped. Mind you, I've had some esteem issues...when you are sitting at home with the silence in your head drowning out Kevin and Chiquita, you don't notice that you haven't done your makeup, your wearing sweatpants everyhwere, and you plain just don't care how you look. But this guy had to make a point that I was beautiful....Mind you, I don't remember what he said (thanks to Tera now I do), I don't remember what he looked like, (my vision was a tiny bit blurred). But then I started crying like crazy. I was sooo upset...some creepy guy touched me (all he did was place his hat on my head). I was so freaked out I apologized a million times to David, swore I didn't know who the man was, and that I never talked to him before, and begged him not to break my nose.

Promptly we left the bar....there was going to be no place like home from that point. LOL
**David would never hurt me, ever in my whole entire life.**This was suppression of relationships past...which would be a whole other book.

The point of this rambling blog...if you are gonna let your hair down, don't do it with alcohol, it only induces stupidity. Gratefully my loving darling husband mentions that I don't do it often. As far as I'm concerned, never again, is tooo soon enough!

I think I will stick with espresso, at least when I crash from that I don't feel hungover the next day, and it's legal to drive with a caffeine buzz, after all, you are so much more alert and your vision is not blurred!

1 comment:

  1. I think tears from alcohol are better than if you started busting up the place and throwing chairs! Don't be so hard on yourself! :)


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