Thursday, November 13, 2008

To finish filling you in....

As most "soccer" mom's lives go...I have been a busy bee.
So for the rest of story, he he he.....

We acquired a new family member as you seen by the picture. It's Chiquita she is a 4 month old Chihuahua.....and simply adorable and full of little vibes. She likes to chew. Teething seems to do that with babies. But we are training her that toys and chew bones are better than paper... with all the drywall dust around, paper bits are just even more annoying. I want my home back to normal! LOL

But Chiquita is a "rescue"...the brother in law's son and his girlfriend (who bought Chiquita (formerly known as Paris) and realized when looking for apartments they would not be able to afford to keep her. So we decided we should! I was so excited when I seen her. She's adorable.

Kevin's picture I posted was of him wearing Hammerhead Shark goggles he had gotten from Taco Bell, don't they show his personality? LOL Don't even need the horns...the goggles do it all.

Grace's performance was phenomenol! She has a wonderful voice, and I'll gush about it a bunch. I'm so proud of my little girl. When she got up to that mic...and just let it flow I was astounded. She received tons of applause from her whole entire third grade class when she arrived tonight, it was amazing. She asked me why they did it? I said that they were proud that she had done so well. :0) Simply awesome!

We are still peeling logs...well David is currently doing yet another, while I blog to keep everyone updated, and then I'm headed to work more on the front fact...that's where I'm going now!

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