Sunday, November 23, 2008

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Setting up the christmas tree saturday night. May not be designer but the kids did it themselves. :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

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Dinner with tera and her phone was awesome!

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Bed head then sock hat head. "Makes me a monster, mommy with spikey hair." Lol

Thursday, November 20, 2008

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This is for the one's who've never been here. The peeled logs are to cover the old siding. We will be eliminating windows or converting into shelving. :)

Giveway....from Michigan

Go visit this blog that I visit faithfully....We will build our log cabin eventually.
And Shelley's is sooooo beautiful. Enter her giveaway!


Apparently David's company Christmas party is December 13th!!!!!!!!! This is a runs into the cookie party and such. :0( If I start it at 10 a.m. and we end the festivities by 5 p.m. all should be well. Anyone from out of town is welcome to stay if David and I attend the dinner and a little festivities....after all, you have other relatives to visit here also....just let me know if this throws a wrench into all of your plans! :0( Man, I am soooo sorry. I planned on having overnight visitors and you are welcome to stay here no matter what...but hopefully this year...David gets his ring for being at Honda since 1995...he should have had it and a diamond put in it already for his ten year anniversary. But someone drops the ball on him every year.

FW: To nice

Too nice. Greeting from nikki in arizona.

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My office on right side lol

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My front porch left side

It's already Thursday!

Man, what a busy week..... I had a root canal on Monday that took up my day. Worst part was, the dentist asked me what I'd been doing for pain the past week or so since it's been giving me issues, and I said, Ibuprofren and my antibiotic, so he said, "Stick with that, and if you need anything call me." Oh...that was a dumb move on my part. So a few narcotic pills later (leftover) and a loaded warm apple cider, I was off to bed. So no production on Monday.

I have an office now, in my front porch again, and I'm soooo stoked about that. It's about time. Now on the other end, will be a temporary guest bedroom, until we decide in the summer what we are going to do (if we are going to move the deck or not....or how this is all going to go. We still do not have the log work done, but, it's going to have to wait. We'll peel the logs, and get them prepped to install. But the two main windows going into the house that still exist, we have to figure out what we will do with them. The one going into Kevin's and the one going into the living room. We are thinking an open bookshelf from living room to out there would be great, but Kevin's room needs to be shut in...No doubt about it. So we can close it in from the porch and then leave it open on Kevin's side to remain as a bookshelf area. :0)

I don't know at this point what we will be doing after the holidays, but since everything is fast approaching I will be working hard to getting house decorated and organized and then baking starts. :0) favorite part of the year.

I have slacked on cakes because there's too much time being taken up doing all the necessary stuff with this house. So, it'll be nice to get to do some holiday stuff. I'm happy!

Wednesday Grace had a filling put in, and promptly went to school (with mouth numb), and accidentally yanked out the loose tooth that's been loose for TWO months. LOLOL I think she caught the "tooth fairy", but I told her I was just checking to make sure the tooth was still there, that the tooth fairy had left it as requested. But she told me that it was ME that left the dollar. Then on the way to school she promptly told me, that the tooth fairy still hadn't read her request for EIGHT DOLLARS...I nearly choked on my drink. And I told her, "I'm sorry but you don't set the tooth fairy rates." Then it was dropped. LOLOLOL

Kevin, he's been a great little guy this past week. And Chiquita...well she loves him and hides from him sometimes. Kevin wants to play all the time. But Chiquita likes to go hide and chew on things or eat kitty crunchies out of the litter box. BLECH! :0P We are working hard on the no chewing thing, and for the most part if you keep your clothes out of the floor, she's good. She just eats random tid bits of paper and such. She hasn't tackled a rug in a week, so I'm happy about that. LOL

Any takers to watch my kids tomorrow night? I need a break, and Tera and I need to eat El Rodeo and have a small bit of margarita. :0) The girls have been so busy, we haven't got to spend much time together recently. :0(

Nikki is still in Arizona, and she texted to tell me she loves it, and that if she could she'd just get a job and stay there. I told her she should. David said we need someone else to come out and visit when we get out to see Michael. LOL...I just think sometimes we should just pack up and move out there. But what do I know...tooo many people who'd hate us for taking the kids when they are still young....but I bet when they are 13, and 16 they are going to be begging us to leave town. LOLOL Just kidding.

I'll keep you posted with pictures soon! I have some finish work this morning on the front porch and furniture to move tonight, then tomorrow, it'll be posted I believe! Hope life finds you all well!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We thought we'd be done....

And no, we are not..... *sigh* Last night we took time out to visit with the "family" My sister's husband Josh celebrated his 24th birthday I believe it is 24th...LOL so, we went to O'Charleys for dinner. :0) But to no avail...we skipped the birthday cake and went home to work.

Well as things go, nothing ever goes as planned. Grace (although not here this weekend) caused some drama. She failed to tell us the cat litter was running out. So the last time she cleaned Smokey's litter box it was not full enough to use really. Well, guess what? Yeah Smokey used the litter til it was sopping wet then decided to hide her piles of you know what in various toys and clothes that Grace had scattered about her floor. :0( Although I've stressed a million times over the importance of cleanliness, Grace still has not gotten it...and now she's lost 3/4 of all went in the trash. :0( What else was I supposed to poo is not good. So there will be drama when she gets home.

Chiquita has decided that dirty socks and underwear are good chew toys... :0( We have managed to lose three pairs of underwear torn to little cotton ball shreds, and one rug so far during her "puppy" training. Someone had called her a "land pirhana" one time, and now I get why they collect this nickname. So once again, she is in "lockdown" for a period of time to curb her shennanigans. But soon she will be broken of this behavior. :0) I'm just wondering how much she chewed at the original owner's home?????

So, the drama with Grace's room put a damper on progress of the front porch, we are still progressing, but the peeling of logs has once again come to a hault so we can deal with other things. From the time we got home from dinner until 1 a.m. I was working on Grace's room, and I still have to completely SCRUB the whole entire floor before she gets home and it is almost 2:30 p.m. Wish me luck! LOL

As for replacement of items for Grace, I know her birthday and xmas are around the corner. So purchasing of educational items, craft supplies will be handy, only if they come in their own organizer or tote, or can be placed on a bookshelf. LOL I'll update soon! afterthought, I figured out how to post from my phone "mini blogs" with once in a while if you get have to click on the link to take you to the blog, to see the photo!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

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Happy birthday dear josh happy birthday to you!

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We've torn the house apart today. :( major reorganization tonight. I'm sad there's more work to be done. Big television will be out though. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

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Molly with her halloween costume on. Lol mom bought one for chiquita too!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

To finish filling you in....

As most "soccer" mom's lives go...I have been a busy bee.
So for the rest of story, he he he.....

We acquired a new family member as you seen by the picture. It's Chiquita she is a 4 month old Chihuahua.....and simply adorable and full of little vibes. She likes to chew. Teething seems to do that with babies. But we are training her that toys and chew bones are better than paper... with all the drywall dust around, paper bits are just even more annoying. I want my home back to normal! LOL

But Chiquita is a "rescue"...the brother in law's son and his girlfriend (who bought Chiquita (formerly known as Paris) and realized when looking for apartments they would not be able to afford to keep her. So we decided we should! I was so excited when I seen her. She's adorable.

Kevin's picture I posted was of him wearing Hammerhead Shark goggles he had gotten from Taco Bell, don't they show his personality? LOL Don't even need the horns...the goggles do it all.

Grace's performance was phenomenol! She has a wonderful voice, and I'll gush about it a bunch. I'm so proud of my little girl. When she got up to that mic...and just let it flow I was astounded. She received tons of applause from her whole entire third grade class when she arrived tonight, it was amazing. She asked me why they did it? I said that they were proud that she had done so well. :0) Simply awesome!

We are still peeling logs...well David is currently doing yet another, while I blog to keep everyone updated, and then I'm headed to work more on the front fact...that's where I'm going now!

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New member of the family! Chiquita!

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Goggles from taco bell have been amusing.

Front Porch Remodel

So once again, where have I been? On the front porch.
David and I have not lost momentum, well last night we did, we relaxed, we had to, we have been tired. But what have we been doing so far?

Drywall is finished on the front porch! Tonight is Grace's performance at school at 7 p.m. Thanksgiving is coming up soon and we want to have this done, at least almost done. :0)

I haven't forgotten you all, just really busy and working right along. I'll post more later.
We are going to try to work on the porch some more on the weekend, we are hoping to make a lot of progress!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Peeling Logs....

Either we are lucky or crazy, I haven't figured it out, but David and I have started the front porch project. Apparently Butch (the ex father in law) with the tree service, has had a customer asking for planks out of the wood cut off his land. This leaves lots of scrap half logs and such. :0) David had an idea, and off we go. The idea is to install the log cabin feel into the front porch. :0) I'm stoked, but either we are stone crazy or just happy to be so lucky. We peeled our first log last night. :0)

What? Peeling logs? What are you talking about? It's the removal of bark and cambium layer to get your solid wood, so it will dry, so you can add stains or oils of your choosing. He will be headed over to collect more from the pile this week, so I'm stoked to have what we need to do what we want out front. And for the low low price of some hard labor! LOLOLOL And we all know that David and I aren't immune to that.

Let's see we have had no word from the appraisal report at this time, and I am working on the second layer of paint on the ceiling on the front porch. Mind you it's not what we want to do with the ceiling, but for cost reasons, we are going to leave it as is right now for the time being. This is disappointing but we have no choice. We tried scraping and it's just not a go....we can't get all that paint off those slats, and some are bowed from wear and tear and weather, so we scraped off the big chunks and painted it. For now it'll do, but it will eventually be replaced with drywall if we are here long enough. :0) I am disappointed that we will not be able to make it as "unique" and "finished" as the bathroom at this time, but you do what you can with what you have in some situations and that's all we can do. It's a matter of consequence we are going this far with the front porch to begin with. LOL

So as for now, things are going well. The kids go back to the dentist on Monday, for cleanings and Grace receives two fillings. :0( There's so many projects going on it's crazy. I've decided that December 13th will be the cookie party and that will be held at our home, starting at 10 a.m. and ending whenever. If you plan on attending email me, and let me know. Let me know how many projected dozens of cookies you will be taking with you, and of course, bring your decorative boxes!!!! Also Grace's birthday is the 10th of December, which is going to be a factor in all of this. I have her the weekend of the 6th, so doing a birthday of some sort the 5th, 6th, or 7th is fine with me. Although Kevin will not be with us until the 7th probably. Denise's older daughter Danny will be marrying and Kevin is the ring bearer on the 6th, and I'm not sure how the schedule is working out for that. :0(

Any ideas or opinions just let me know. Thanksgiving will be another one to think about since it will be here so shortly. My family from Kentucky, who didn't make it to the wedding will be up visiting. It's the only time I've got to see them since March. So Thanksgiving plans need to be decided on when and where we are all supposed to be. LOLOLOL Let me know your thoughts and ideas on this as well.

Lots of love to you all, and hope life finds you well!