Click on the will take you to the link of the slideshow of Saturday a.m. Prep. LOL
Okay so the events of last week were just tiring in where have I been?
On the Wednesday I was doing some final stuff with Tera, started packing favors...on Thursday well...I was working on Groom's cake Wednesday evening, then on Thursday I went to Tera's for some more stuff, took her mom to do a trial run on her hair, then went back home...took a little short nap and got up at 3 a.m. to finish the Ferrari Cake, which ultimately squashed into a lamborgini...but none the less Myles loved it, and it made an appearance at the wedding too, because..NO ONE ATE IT!!!! LOL Friday was half day for Grace but we managed to get our nails and pedicures done, just Darsha (Mom) Tera and I. Dawn was having allergy issues and stayed at her hotel, and well Stephanie just needed some sleep because she flew in from Hawaii and was having some jet lag. :0( Needless to say it went off without a hitch though. I ended up having my mom rescue me from tripping over my gown at the wedding by doing some pin tuck stitches. THANK YOU MOM!!! FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!! Grace stayed with her so Emily and Josh could bring her to the wedding. Kevin stayed with David and those two handsome men arrived at the church on time in their tuxes. Although he had a struggle with having to wear daddy's black socks...he preferred his white ones to keep his legs warm. There's a photo where Tera is in my truck talking on my dead cell phone which was plugged in, to convince him to wear Daddy's socks...(cuz ummm it's the only thing that mommy had forgotten to get him). LOL
Sleep deprivation was my goal...not really but that's how it happened for EVERYONE! And it was a blast. Many pictures to be seen...but since I was in it...go figure there are none of the group or the wedding, just the pre getting ready stuff and the reception and what nots... :0)
I met a twin of mine who lives in Washington. And Tera wasn't even kidding when she said so. Dawn, which you'll see in the pictures. She's same height, personality, just about amazing how uncanny it was. Even Dawn's son Andrew walked up to her and asked her when she got a tattoo on her back. LOLOLOL...Yeah she's the same height and build. Kevin her husband even discussed that with David, just how freaky it was. So now, with fingers crossed, we are hoping that Kevin and Dawn move back home...because Tera and I will have the third musketeer...and we would literally be inseperable. Dawn and her two kids....which amazingly enough Ashley is one year older than Kevin, and Andrew I think is a little older than Grace. We've decided that Ashley and Kevin will definitely make a great pre arranged marriage and some simply beautiful grand babies! LOLOL....But as parents we can only hope.
There are 213 photos that I am currently uploading for all to see, I'm hoping to set them up into a slide show so it's easier for viewing. :0)
I'm glad that it is now done, and we can get back to the bathroom that desperately needs our attention. With the market being the way it is, and all, David and I are pressing to get things done, so we can refinance so that just in case our "new president" doesn't rescue our economy, we will be secure in knowing that all is well. :0) I want to be able to stash some major cash, so that David can retire...and well you've seen the stock market....where are your retirement funds going to end up? See that's what I'm sayin' good right now.
I had some major camera issues throughout the whole thing. First it was Grace's camera that mom bought, apparently Grace dropped it while it was open because it kept reporting a lovely lens error and hence I disovered that it wouldn't zoom in or out because it was cockeyed...then I had mine, so I had to buy batteries for it, but in some cases it took some bad shots, and in others not even visible, and then even others were just simply I don't get it. Myles will have to teach me because apparently it's operator instead of camera...I prefer to blame it on the camera though. LOLOL
Oh and a little other snafu...while the bride and groom are on their honeymoon I am watching the house and the cats. :0) But when they got home on Sunday part of their ceiling in their kitchen is now lying on the counter and the yet another project for Myles and David to tackle...we are not sure of if it's just the water damage from years ago when they moved in or if there is yet a leak to be repaired. It seems our work is never done. :0(
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