Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New discoveries!!!!

Well, Grace has constantly been asking about where babies come from and puberty and such....so I got her some books. These books educate her on taking care of herself. They are not too explicit but it gives her the information she needs to know since she is discovering her body is changing a little sooner than the other girls at school. I did explain that if she has more questions she can ask, but until next year, she will not learn any more, when they do sex education. I also got her a book called THE KEEPING AND CARE OF YOU...for girls. :0)

The new haircut has turned out to be a positive change, she's very happy to have that done. She also liking the maintenance of this hair cut, which is fantastic!

Kevin has had a mood change and behavioral change with his growth spurt. He's had random different mood swings and signs of aggression for no reason, and when he gets angry he threw toys last week. There are a few discoveries after a little research. He has shown signs of a random jaw movement, that looks voluntary but he seems not to realize he does it. A "tic" so to speak. Children who have ADD...(which both of his biological parents were diagnosed with at a young age), can typically show signs of severe mood swings, random aggression, and "tics". Taking Red Dye #40 out of his diet and many colored candies and foods have helped tremendousl with his behavior. Recently since the "tic" has reared it's ugly head last week, the random agression has started. This is unlike Kevin to be this way. It is linked to a magnesium deficiency which children his age and size are supposed to have 65 mg a day. His love for mexican food and bananas are cravings for magnesium and potassium (when you are magnesium deficient your body has low potassium levels in the blood) that is common in children who have ADD and tourettes syndromes.

One point to this, is that we are not "labeling" Kevin, we are trying to help him. Phillis pointed out to me that we should not label him (we agree with this too)...and David and I are not trying to. David and I though know that these signs and symptoms that we deal with everyday are all tied in with his learning. If all we have to do to help him with symptoms and behavior and learning is to give him what his body needs to function properly, he may not have a rough way to go, and this is what we want for him. We don't want teachers to "label" him either, or suggest medication. :0) He is such a good little man otherwise. :0) We love him bunches and want the best for the little guy who is growing so much, so fast. He has complained of legs hurting recently, and I swear everytime he wakes up from a nap or bedtime, he is 1/4" taller. He's made so many leaps and bounds in personality and growth in the 2 1/2 yrs I have been his mommy. :0) Many vitamin supplements remove the magnesium due to taste and the volume (size) that it would make most supplements. I however have a liquid supplement that will provide him with his daily requirements plus 20 mg of magnesium. It's progress, considering most foods other than peanut butter, cashews, macadamian nuts, spinach, and certain fish are normally about the only thing you can get a good dose of magnesium from.

Irritatingly enough though, he spent the whole morning on the couch yesterday lethargic from the weekend's events. Being with his "other mom" caused him to have no naps, and he was sooo tuckered out, he spent the whole morning recouping....he fell asleep about 10:30 and slept all morning, I woke him up at 1:30 only to get him to eat two bites of sandwich and drink half a 6 oz juice box, and back to sleep he went until it was time to leave to pick up Grace. :0( It's frustrating that they do not take care of him the way he needs when he's gone. A little afternoon nap goes a long way for this growing little boy!

It's going to begin to be a busy week this week for me. Valentine's day is just around the corner, and I have a 60 cookie order for two little boys class parties, along with Grace's party. I also have a over the hill birthday cake for saturday to produce, and next week are five cakes for a cub scout banquet. :0) I'm excited about that.

It's been an eventful weekend this past weekend, Nikki came to visit and spent the weekend with David and I. This coming weekend we plan to take the kids to lunch and a movie for valentine's day. We are thrilled the weather is warming up, soon enough we will be outside a lot more, and we are excited to get started outside. Spring can't come soon enough!

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