Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Immunization Fun....

So Monday was little Kevy's Physical for Kindergarten... It is coming up!
It was so fun, until he got to the room...and when the Dr. donned his rubber gloves, he got that crazy look in his eye...of course they had to check for hernia's and what not, and he didn't like that too much, but no pain.

The eye test was also fun...the nurse was asking him what certain pictures were...on the eye chart, the first one was a BIG gigantic HOUSE...and he said it was a house, he got the tree, he got a few others, but when it came to the smaller house he kept calling it a strawberry, and the nurse kept starting over....there was an apple on the chart too. LOL...he could see it but she failed his eye exam anyway because, well that darned house looked like a strawberry. And you know what? I agree. But I give major kudos to this nurse for being so patient...and her bold hairdoo!!! Not only was it a layered short style, but it was silver white on top and the bottom layer of her hair was Grape Kool-Aid Goodness purple...and that is the bomb!!!! I do believe this is a style I will move to, only with tropical punch red, when I come to terms with my silver hair...I'm just not ready for that yet. LOLOLOL

Back to kevin, he had to have some immunization shots..apparently good ol mom#1 had not taken him in since 2005...when he was ONE!!!!! So little man had to have 5 immunizations Monday night. When she covered her hands delicately with the rubber gloves, he again got the crazy eyes....then when she asked for the pants to be pulled down he went berzerk!!!!!!!!!!!! He completely started thrashing about, and she hadn't touched him yet...and screaming he was petrified...but Daddy and I were there, and we held him and told him it was okay. He got stuck seven times because he pulled away so far that the needle got yanked out twice....poor little man. The nurse was even sly about it and walked in sideways so he wouldn't see how many needles. Kudos for the nurse with very good brains! And kudos for them scheduling for us to be the last appointment they seen that day....otherwise they would have had an office full of petrified children about the kid around the corner being tortured to the point his lungs would explode.

But we are through it....he spent the rest of the evening walking around the house stiff legged...he looked more like R2D2...or a penguin, I am going to say it was a toss up. He kept asking, "Mommy, why did she have to be so mean?" "Seriously buddy, it's over and it doesn't hurt anymmore and if you want to go to school you had to have them, they are medicine. It's okay."

Today he went to visit Mom #1 because we will be taking them for the weekend that they should both be at their "other parents'" houses. This is a special occassion and trip so we were taking them since they did not get to attend last year. Anyway, she called saying that they were in the middle of dinner and he was crying and said something about a needle in his leg and pulled down his pants...she called very disturbingly upset. Really wanting to know why he needed a needle in his leg...are you serious? We've been talking to her about kindergarten for two months! can you be soooo ummm....light in the head? Get real! Well as it all goes...I had the convo with her and she was better about the situation, but I did get a chance to tell her he had not had a shot since 2005, the doctor showed me his record.

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