Monday, December 1, 2008

Guess I should catch you up...

Okay, so I flipped my Suzuki this morning. I'm an idiot....road hazards at its best.

Dropped Grace off at school and was headed home. I was doing well, Kevin was sleeping, went around the two S curves on morehouse, and low and behold after the second curve started to accelerate, doing only about thirty, hit an ice patch year end swung around, I steered into it, missed the ditch by about 20/25 feet, went into the big deal right...except the field was just plowed! The wheels dug in about a foot and tossed us on the passenger side.

Kevin woke up and asked me, "What happened mommy!?! Help me out I'm stuck! Get me out!"
I told him, "Hold on buddy, mommy is a little stuck too, let me get out and I will get you." Of course the whole while I'm braced on the steering wheel hanging from my seat belt. LOL What a day.

He was sooooo wonderful and did really well with the whole thing, and I am ever so thankful.

So many more things that I am thankful for! Kevin being asleep. That the field was soft to make a cushy landing. That I have such wonderful friends and family, that helped us smoothly through the horrible chain of events. I love you all. Kevin and I are safe, and all was taken care of in less than an hour. I am so grateful that everyone was looking out for us. And that big man upstairs, who loves us enough to keep us safe.

The Suzuki still survives and it runs, so I will be driving it to the collission center to get the estimate done. I am sooo grateful that we are okay, and hopefully for all who come visit me, know just how dangerous that road can be, even when you think it's just "okay". You don't have to be going fast to lose control of any vehicle, any where, even if it is four wheel drive! Mind you I wasn't using mine at that time.....sometimes I'm just an idiot. But I am here!

Lots of love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Misty - so glad to hear you are okay! That must've been scary! An angel was definitely on your shoulder.


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