Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Rituals....

As always, the Sunday ritual goes....we go to town, go do some light shopping, pick up the children, and go home.

And as usual...Kevin throws a fit because he doesn't want to leave, because he obviously has not spent enough time with Denise because she was not there with him. And he tells us that he hates us when he gets in the car to leave. This makes me sad, that this woman tries so hard to brainwash the boy, but eventually as with Grace, he will figure this all out on his own. It just takes patience.

With Grace once again, she gets dropped to us, and she is talking baby talk and wants to stay with her Dad, because she walks in bleeding from a picked scab into a restaurant with a nasty bloody napkin...and I tell her to get rid of it. So then she is acting like she's three.

Luckily the few stops to the grandparents, to regulate the children back into OUR family helped a TON tonight, and we came home peacefully to them quietly laying down and watching movies in their rooms, then off to sleep.

Tomorrow is David's Birthday, so we have got lots of stuff to do. And tomorrow night at 6:30 we are supposed to be at Grace's school for her drop off of supplies and to meet her classmates. This is exciting stuff!

I can't wait to see what the day holds for us, since there is so much to do!

1 comment:

  1. The Grace baby talk thing gets annoying, but it seems like she's doing it a lot less in general, which is always good. And as for Kevin, the older he gets the more he will resent Big D and the less he will want to do with her. And I'm sure that at some point, when she realizes she can't get ANYTHING from David, she just might give it up entirely. One or the other will happen, it's just a matter of which one comes first. There's nothing you can do about Squared or Big D, but you do all you can with the kids and it's obvious to them and everyone else just how much you love them, and that's all that matters. (Even though Grace pulls the drama queen bit and says you don't love her. =P)


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