Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good Morning Sunday

It starts here. Every other weekend the children are with their "other families". Yes, we are the primary parents for both children, but Grace goes to visit her father, and Kevin with his mother on the coordinating weekends.

We started the schedule and got them to the point where they coordinated and the weekend without both children worked best, that way, we had "our time" and then when we had them, it was "family time". Otherwise the children would be split alternating, and that was not working out well.

The amazing part is, that "Big D" Kevin's other mother....well she asked for the first time since the divorce to have Kevin for a full week and this past weekend. This has been a strange request, but we let her. Since "Big D" drives a bus, school will be starting soon and she will not get that opportunity.

Grace on yet another adventure in a different part of town, left with "Squared's" (my ex) mother to go camping. She left Friday afternoon and so far that has been an adventure already. Why you ask? I gave her a "go phone". For those of you not familiar, it's a prepaid cell from AT&T....yeah not such a good idea, but maybe it was. I'm still on the fence about it.

Grace has called 7 times Friday, then on Saturday it was 3, and yesterday was 2, so either the battery has finally went dead, or squared's mom decided to finally be the adult about it and ration the phone usage out. I'm not sure. Seems to me they talked to me like I was a piece of dirt on Friday night because they couldn't handle her. But on Saturday I did txt her father to see if he was with her, and he said, his girlfriend had been stepped on a horse, and his step dad had almost been bucked off one.... And they wonder why I sent a cell phone with her?

Squared's mother does not have such a good track record with trips with horses, although she owns them, someone seems to always get injured, mainly her...but all the more, do you see why I sent it. Grace is supposed to be gone this weekend, next week, and the following weekend. Not so good. She went to Colorado once( Grace's grandma) bucked off a horse, stepped on, broke her arm or something, and her hubby rode all the way back to camp on a trail riding horse that wasn't supposed to be ridden that hard, then the horse killed over before he got to his truck to pick her up to take her to the hospital. So do you see my fear? I sure hope so, otherwise I'm just paranoid...but wouldn't you be?

The difference is...that all the others are leaving, and it will be just Grace and Grandma D most of the week by themselves....this hightens my paranoia as well.

So today is "pick up" day for my little buddy, Kevin. Normally as things go, Kevin's mom "Big D" calls way too early, and asks when we can pick him up...especially when she gets him early. When it has always been over a year between 6-7 for his pick up time. Today, we are going to the "Salem rental" for our friends to help them get it ready for carpet installation tomorrow. So when she calls, and we know she will....we are going to laugh and roll our eyes once again.

But I do miss my little buddy....more than ever. My morning hugs are missed tremendously. Even though she is mom....he's told me, I'm still his "mudder". LOL And that means more to me than anything. I know he loves me, and he knows who takes care of him. After the divorce, and David and I moved in together.....she started seeing Kevin only 4 days a month, two weekends a month, friday, saturday, and sunday......friday evening, then saturday, and part of a sunday. And shortly we figured out she wasn't even having him most of that time, he was with her daughters. This is just not good. Then she's all proud when he's begging to not leave, well in my eyes I would be too, if I was at my mom's house and she wasn't there, and she finally gets there, and I've seen her for a few minutes, then I have to leave. I'd be sad too. I mean seriously...he doesn't want to leave because you haven't been there! Get real woman! Who are you kidding!

But anyway you cut the cake, he's my son. And I love him, and no one can take away the fact, that he was 2 going on 3, and didn't talk and wasn't potty trained last May 6....when David and I went on our "first date", and after a month when the divorce was final...he was potty trained and talking.

Many times before I've told Grace because she's 8...she understands much more...not to bad mouth "Big D". (She can't help it she's not very smart, Big D that is). But just like Grace, Kevin will also make his decisions about his "other" family on his own. And that just comes with age and maturity. It tried my patience to the last ounce waiting Grace to do it, and the arguments about my daddy is better cuz he bought me this, we did this...and you don't ever take me here kind of conversations, but yet later down the road she realized, but mommy pays for me to eat, mommy makes sure I go to school, mommy makes sure I go to bed on time, and mommy takes care of me because she loves me, and mommy only does what she can with the little money she has for a REASON. Because mommy LOVES me, and she's not just a buddy I go hang out with on the weekend who spoils me rotten and lets me get away with anything. And ya know what people? My KIDS RESPECT ME...go figure!!!!

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